Shaq Fu
Electronic Arts
Delphine Software
Release Date (US)
Cheat Codes/Hints
At the Options screen quickly press A, B, C, C, B, A. If done correctly the screen will flash. You'll have to look closely, though; Shaq and crew are not heavy bleeders.
Character Select
To play any character in Story mode, go to the Options screen and enter a number from the list below:
# Player
1 Mephis
2 Sett
3 Nezu
4 Kaori
5 Beast
6 Auroch
7 Voodoo
8 Colonel
9 Diesel
10 Leotsu
11 Rajah
12 SHAQ!
Character select
Enter the music test option screen. Enter one of the following numbers to play as the corresponding character. Then, quickly press Up, Down, B, Left, Right, B at the options screen. The screen will flash to confirm correct code entry. Select story mode to play as the selected character. Note: Shaq will still appear during the intermission sequences.
Fight Beast In Story Mode
On the first island, go to the lower right-hand corner, walk down the stairs and press Start to fight Beast.
Fight Beast's Skeleton Army
On world two move to the upper right corner and press C.
Fight Sett's Clone
After beating all people on the first land mass, cross the brige at the bottom of the next land mass. There are two poles. Go between them and press start to fight Sett's clone.
Hint: Fight Dark Sett
Go to the bottom of the second island, then press Start in the middle of the "fence".
Hint: Fight the zombies in the forest
Go to the location where you fight Kaori. Go up and right to move onto a ledge, then press Start.
Hint: Sett Ra: Ultimate move
Press Forward, Down, Forward, A to do his horn move.
Play As Beast's Skeleton
At the option screen press A, A, A, C, C, A, A, B, C, B.