Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Release Date (US)
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (Sega Genesis). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Balrog's Charge Punch
Go to the OPTIONS screen and configure your controller so that only one PUNCH button is on. Now with Balrog, you only have to charge one button to do his turn punch!
Change Color
When you pick a character press the start button and it will change the fighters color of costume.
Configure Controller
Here's an easy way to configure your controller without using option codes. Go to the Character Select Screen and pick your characters in a one- or two-player game. After you choose your characters, press and hold Start. When you fly onto the stage, a configuration screen will appear.
Disable Normal Moves In One-Player Mode
This trick requires a six-button controller. While the Capcom logo is displayed, press Down, Z, Up, X, Z, Y, B, C or Down, C, Up, A, A, B, B, C.
When the game begins, you'll only be able to use special attacks. Normal punches and kicks won't work.
Disable Normal Moves With A 3-Button Controller
To use only special moves (no kicks or punches) do the following. At the Capcom logo, press Down, C, Up, A, A, B, B, C.