Slime World

Slime World

Slime World

Todd and Rooney are mild-mannered go-getters who believe it is easier and more rewarding to drive a space cruiser than to navigate a desk in some window-less office. One dreary day, Todd gets stuck in his cubicle for several hours because the space exploration business has become a pastime for newly-weds. Not many assignments adorn the dashboard of Todd's wooden, four-legged carpet cruiser until Rooney comes bumbling toward Todd's cubicle.It seems a new planet has been discovered near Beta Delta and the administration feels it is a big project to explore. Todd and Rooney are perfect for the...


Slime World

Todd and Rooney are mild-mannered go-getters who believe it is easier and more rewarding to drive a space cruiser than to navigate a desk in some window-less office. One dreary day, Todd gets stuck in his cubicle for several hours because the space exploration business has become a pastime for newly-weds. Not many assignments adorn the dashboard of Todd's wooden, four-legged carpet cruiser until Rooney comes bumbling toward Todd's cubicle.It seems a new planet has been discovered near Beta Delta and the administration feels it is a big project to explore. Todd and Rooney are perfect for the...

Epyx, Renovation
Action > General
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Release Date (JP)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Shortcut in the Suspense level

Note: this shortcut does not exist in the Lynx version.You can clear the Suspense level in about 1 minute. No need to pick any mushrooms! Look carefully at the Computer Map when you start the level. There are footholds on either side of the top of the shaft. Work your way to a room just east of the right foothold, and shoot the wall. Stand at the edge of the ice patch and do a long jump. It looks like you can't make it across, but if you clear the shaft, you will slide upward and across to the other side. Now shoot the wall, and suddenly, you're at the exit.


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