


America's Superhero, the amazing Spider-Man, is in serious trouble. The Kingpin has vowed to destroy New York and he's assembled a vast army of villains to help, including Dr. Octopus, The Hobgoblin, Venom, Electro, The Lizard, and The Sandman!But Spider-Man boasts the proportional powers of a super spider! He swings on a web line across dizzying chasms no other superhero could handle! He punches and kicks with spectacular strength, clambers up buildings and crawls across girders--even upside down. And uses his webbing to trap enemies and spin protective shields.Each villain has his own evil...



America's Superhero, the amazing Spider-Man, is in serious trouble. The Kingpin has vowed to destroy New York and he's assembled a vast army of villains to help, including Dr. Octopus, The Hobgoblin, Venom, Electro, The Lizard, and The Sandman!But Spider-Man boasts the proportional powers of a super spider! He swings on a web line across dizzying chasms no other superhero could handle! He punches and kicks with spectacular strength, clambers up buildings and crawls across girders--even upside down. And uses his webbing to trap enemies and spin protective shields.Each villain has his own evil...

Recreational Brainware, Sega
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Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat Mode

Go to the options menu, enter the level selection and choose Spidey. Hold: Start on 2P and Hold: A+B+C on 1P then press (the diagonal button on the D-pad) up-right. Pause during the game and press A for Web refill, B for Full life, & C for Invincibility (this only lasts temporarily)

Ultimate Cheat

Go to the options screen and put spidey by the level option. Hold START on CONTROLLER 2 and hold A+B+C on CONTROLLER 1. While holding those buttons, press UP on CONTROLLER 1 then UP/RIGHT on CONTROLLER 1. You should see 3 exclamation marks next to the level now. Finish selecting your options and start the game

Now to access the cheat, pause the game and:

1) press A to max your web
2) press B to max your health
3) press C to get 5 seconds of invincibility
4) press A+B+C to go the next level!

Unlimited Web

When the game starts, go to options, change the difficulty to easy, change the controls to: A:Punch, B:Jump, C:Web
Now play the game; you should have unlimited web.


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