Shining Force

Shining Force

Shining Force

The Continent of Rune has slumbered in peace for 50 generations. A horde of invaders swarm across the border, while a dragon that has slept for centuries stirs in its tomb. Only the King's youngest swordsman and his war party can defy the Dark Dragon's evil power and crush the mighty army! Control up to 10 different characters at once. Increase their skills and attributes through strategy, combat and exploration. Search through 8 brilliant scenarios. Sub-quests and imaginative sequences make every game a new adventure!


Shining Force

The Continent of Rune has slumbered in peace for 50 generations. A horde of invaders swarm across the border, while a dragon that has slept for centuries stirs in its tomb. Only the King's youngest swordsman and his war party can defy the Dark Dragon's evil power and crush the mighty army! Control up to 10 different characters at once. Increase their skills and attributes through strategy, combat and exploration. Search through 8 brilliant scenarios. Sub-quests and imaginative sequences make every game a new adventure!

Camelot Software Planning, Sega
Camelot Software Planning
Strategy > Turn-Based > Tactics
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

2 jogurts?

If you put jogurt in your army and kill an enemy with him you get item jogurt ring use in battle on any character and they will look just like a jogurt too! repeat as many times as you want but you will have to get another ring when it breaks.

Anri's alternate costume

During the Laser Eye battle in Chapter 3, search to the left of the three dark elves. You'll receive one of the hidden items in the game called Kitui Huku (Tight Clothes in Japanese) give it to Anri and she'll have a new outfit.

Avoid Party Members

The game forces you to allow Tao, Ken, Lowe, Hans, and Luke to join the party before the first battle of the game. There is a way to avoid getting these characters in your party. To do this, when in town at the opening of the game there is a gate but two guards will stop you if you try to leave. There is a blond man in a purple vest near the gate and if you stand one space above him, you will eventually force him to step in the path of one of the guards. At this time you can run past and exit the gate and the guard will not be able to block you. This will send you to the first battle with only Max, making the game quite difficult. Also, even though you avoid taking these characters in your party, they will still speak during some of the cut scenes.

Get Adam without defeating Chaos

Before the battle against Chaos is over, cast egress. Adam will be at HQ, and will be battle-ready. Normally you would have to speak to him after the battle, giving you the chance to miss recruiting him.

Misc. Codes

When the battle begins quickly tap A, B, C, Up, A, C, A, B, A
Control All Opponents (JP Version Only)
Hold: Start on 2P then reset the system. Let go of Start and hold: A+C on 2P. Select continue and wait until the girl says good luck. At that instant hold: A on 1P while continuing to hold: A+C on 2P.
Fight Any Battle (JP Version Only)
Start a new game and go to the Name Your Character screen. Put the cursor on end and hold: Start+A+B+C on 2P while holding: Start+A+C on 1P. You will see another character. Continue this until to name all characters or until you please.
Name Characters (Must have completed game first)

Sound Test

Beat the game, allow the ending to completely finish and the game to reset. The sound test is opened by loading a saved game or starting a new one, and entering the code while the screen fades to black after Simone stops talking.

Hown Down + Start
Sound Test

Spell level range

As soon as you get Heal 4 and try to use it, press Left to change it to level 3. The spell range of 3 spaces will flash. Then press B to change it back to level 4. It will have the same range as level 3

Tao's alternate costume

In Chapter 3, after fighting the first battle to get the Moon Stone, go inside the cave and search the walls and you will find a secret item called the Sugoi Mizugi. Then, give it to Tao, and now she will have an alternate costume in when fighting in battle.

unlockable characters.

How to Unlock
Anri. chapter 2 i couldnt fit all the information in it so im writing here. after the desert battle enter the big house then...
...go right and enter the room with books go up the stairs to the north and just keep going up till you see her. then talk to her.
Arthur. chapter 2 also.
you should see Arther on the way to Anri talk to him then do the cavern battle come back and talk again.
Domingo. 2 again you get him in chapter 4 after some guy hatches the egg for you.
In the town you get Anri and Arthur go to the northwest door in the room with books and search the machine then after you kill elliot hatch it.
Gong. chapter 1.
Before fighting the first battle leave and go to the tiny house then go left of the house and then go north then talk to him.
Hanzou. chapter 8.
Search the bush with a flower in it near entrace to town.
Jogurt. chapter 4.
not realy hard to find. This guys in in Pao go behind the priests table BEFORE Pao leaves.
Kokichi. chapter 3 p.s. you get him when Pao leaves in chapter 4.
in chapter 3 after doing the quary battle go left until theres a cliff then enter the door go down the stairs and search the engine then go outside.
Musashi. chapter 7.
After getting out of the castle and being locked in jail go northwest and search the small note on the side of the house.
Zylo. chapter 3 like Kokichi.
not realy that secret just use your potion in front of him like everyone says.



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