


The Super Strategic Defense Initiative of the 1990's banned inter-continental ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads. Now the year is 2016. Weapons today are limited to super strategic mobile weapons.Enter Granada. Hypertek-Cannon Tank. (HCT).Firepower as we know it today is all but abandoned with Granada. Granada uses shield and radar to create its defense mechanism. Offensive firepower is provided by the most awesome array of weaponry ever assembled on a battlefield.These include multi-directional interceptors, long-range homing missiles, and a device designed to totally obliterate all...



The Super Strategic Defense Initiative of the 1990's banned inter-continental ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads. Now the year is 2016. Weapons today are limited to super strategic mobile weapons.Enter Granada. Hypertek-Cannon Tank. (HCT).Firepower as we know it today is all but abandoned with Granada. Granada uses shield and radar to create its defense mechanism. Offensive firepower is provided by the most awesome array of weaponry ever assembled on a battlefield.These include multi-directional interceptors, long-range homing missiles, and a device designed to totally obliterate all...

Wolf Team, Renovation
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Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy Mode (Japanese Version)

At the options screen, highlight "MUSIC" and press C 10 times. If done right, you'll be able to select the "Easy" difficulty.

Flying tank

Play until level 2, then drive the tank off the edge exactly as the timer runs out. Your tank will explode and the timer will reset. Your new tank will be able to fly around and attack from outside the ship until your time runs out again.

Trip and Fall

At the ending, after the credits are over and "Presented by Wolf Team" appears, hold the A button for 15 seconds and the main character (who is still walking away from the explosion) will trip and fall.


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