Earth Defense

Earth Defense

Earth Defense

Only YOU can come to the Earth's defense! Five colossal, awesome, fantastic levels of shooting, bombing and total destruction! Two-player simultaneous interplanetary combat... or fly solo. All types of secret weapons, enemies and huge bosses that eagerly attempt to destroy you! It is now the time to bravely climb into the cockpit of the top-secret Phoenix Spitfire and defend the Earth!


Earth Defense

Only YOU can come to the Earth's defense! Five colossal, awesome, fantastic levels of shooting, bombing and total destruction! Two-player simultaneous interplanetary combat... or fly solo. All types of secret weapons, enemies and huge bosses that eagerly attempt to destroy you! It is now the time to bravely climb into the cockpit of the top-secret Phoenix Spitfire and defend the Earth!

Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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