Stage 2: Frankly - RRRH
Stage 3: Humpty - CPCG
Stage 4: Coconuts - RCHY
Stage 5: Davy Sproket - CBBP
Stage 6: Sqweel - CRCP
Stage 7: Dynamight - PYRB
Stage 8: Grounder - YGPH
Stage 9: Spike - YPHB
Stage 10: Sir Fuzzy Logik - RYCH
Stage 11: Dragon Breath - GPBC
Stage 12: Scratch - RHHY
Stage 13: Dr. Robotnik - YHBB
At the Title Screen, press (A), (B), or (C) on controller 1 to make the ''e'', ''a'', and ''n'' in ''Mean'' jump. Press (A), (B), or (C) on controller 2 to make the ''e'', ''a'', and ''n'' in ''Bean'' jump.
Enter these passwords after selecting "Continue" to skip ahead to the desired level.
R = Red Bean
Y = Yellow Bean
G = Green Bean
B = Blue Bean
P = Purple Bean
C = Clear (Garbage) Bean
H = Has Bean (the little orange fellow)