Disney's Ariel: The Little Mermaid

Disney's Ariel: The Little Mermaid

Disney's Ariel: The Little Mermaid

King Triton and his daughter Ariel battle the dangers of the deep to save the kingdom. As Triton, you must rescue Ariel and break Ursula's curse. As Ariel, the little mermaid, you must battle bewitched sea creatures and defeat Ursula to save Triton and the kidnapped merpeople. Dodge angry sharks, sword-wielding skeletons, and falling boulders. Battle the Molten Lava monster and slimy, stinging eels. And if you dare, brave the snake-infested locks of The Medusa. Navigate through undersea mazes, avoiding traps. Pals Sebastian and Flounder rush to the rescue in tight spots. Open sunken treasure...


Disney's Ariel: The Little Mermaid

King Triton and his daughter Ariel battle the dangers of the deep to save the kingdom. As Triton, you must rescue Ariel and break Ursula's curse. As Ariel, the little mermaid, you must battle bewitched sea creatures and defeat Ursula to save Triton and the kidnapped merpeople. Dodge angry sharks, sword-wielding skeletons, and falling boulders. Battle the Molten Lava monster and slimy, stinging eels. And if you dare, brave the snake-infested locks of The Medusa. Navigate through undersea mazes, avoiding traps. Pals Sebastian and Flounder rush to the rescue in tight spots. Open sunken treasure...

Blue Sky Software, Sega
Blue Sky Software
Action Adventure > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)

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See the Credits

After completing the game, wait at the title screen. You will see the 'Developed by BlueSky Software' credit. Then you will also see the staff credits following.


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