Lawnmower Man, The

Lawnmower Man, The

Lawnmower Man, The

Jobe, a simpleton who spends his hours cutting neighborhood lawns, is used as a human guinea-pig by Dr. Angelo and attains superhuman powers with the help of a unique Virtual Reality system. CyberJobe has entered Virtual Reality within the world's computer networks and now seeks revenge against Dr. Angelo for the injustice carried out against him. Using his new found powers he manages to pull Dr. Angelo, Carla and Peter with him into his VR domain. As Dr. Angelo, push your gaming skills to the limit as you pit yourself, both mentally and physically against the ultimate in computer...


Lawnmower Man, The

Jobe, a simpleton who spends his hours cutting neighborhood lawns, is used as a human guinea-pig by Dr. Angelo and attains superhuman powers with the help of a unique Virtual Reality system. CyberJobe has entered Virtual Reality within the world's computer networks and now seeks revenge against Dr. Angelo for the injustice carried out against him. Using his new found powers he manages to pull Dr. Angelo, Carla and Peter with him into his VR domain. As Dr. Angelo, push your gaming skills to the limit as you pit yourself, both mentally and physically against the ultimate in computer...

The Sales Curve, Time Warner Interactive
The Sales Curve
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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Lawnmower Man, The (Sega CD). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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