Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side

Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side

Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side

The Dark Champion knows your greatest fear! As one of the greatest fighters in history, you have been brought back to life to do battle with the Dark Champion. Resist his evil power or he will use your own greatest fear against you. Four ways to finish your opponent: vicious Overkills, shocking Sudden Deaths, ultra-personal Vendettas, and brutally graphic Cinekills! Includes all nine original characters, plus four new fighters and 11 hidden characters! Every champion has his or her own real martial arts style like Kenpo Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Thai Kickboxing and more!


Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side

The Dark Champion knows your greatest fear! As one of the greatest fighters in history, you have been brought back to life to do battle with the Dark Champion. Resist his evil power or he will use your own greatest fear against you. Four ways to finish your opponent: vicious Overkills, shocking Sudden Deaths, ultra-personal Vendettas, and brutally graphic Cinekills! Includes all nine original characters, plus four new fighters and 11 hidden characters! Every champion has his or her own real martial arts style like Kenpo Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Thai Kickboxing and more!

Sega interActive, Sega
Sega interActive
Action > Fighting > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus Characters

Note: These features require a six-button controller. Enter one of the following the codes on controller two at the "Final Stats" screen after a match. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Allow time to expire at the continue screen, then start a new game. The corresponding bonus fighter will now be selectable. Note: Eternal Number 1, Eternal Number 2, and the Dark Champion can only be used in two player mode.

Bonus characters

Note: These features require a six-button controller. Enter one of the following the codes on controller two at the "Final Stats" screen after a match. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Allow time to expire at the continue screen, then start a new game. The corresponding bonus fighter will now be selectable. Note: Eternal Number 1, Eternal Number 2, and the Dark Champion can only be used in two player mode.

Press Z, Left, Y, Up, X, B, Mode, Right, Up.
Press Mode, Up, C, Up, Mode, Y(2), Right, Mode, A, Left.
Chin Wo
Press B, Z, Up, Mode, Right, C, B, Up, Y, Up.
Press Y(2), Up, Down, mode, Down, Z, Up(2), X.
Press X, C, Right, X, B, Right, Z, A, Mode, Up.
Press Right, C(2), Left, Mode, B, Down, X, A, X, Mode.
Press B, Y, Up(2), C, X, Left, Up, X, Y.
Press Mode, C, Y, A, B, Up, B(2), Y, Z, C.
Press Y, X, Down, B, Mode, Up, X, Up(2), Left, Z, Up.
Eternal Number 1
Press C, Left, Y, B, Mode, X, Right, C, Mode, Down(2), Right.
Eternal Number 2
Press X, Z, A, Mode, Down, Left, C, B, Right, Y, Up, Mode, Y, C.
Dark Champion
Press Up, C, B(2), X, Right, Left, C, X, Right, Y, Left, Down.

Bonus FMV

THIS CODE REQUIRES A SIX BUTTON CONTROLLER: Wait until the Eternal Champions logo appears during the opening sequence then quicky press: X B Z A Y C MODE UP RIGHT LEFT DOWN START. The code must be entered before ''Press Start appears on the screen.

How to Unlock
Bonus FMV
THIS CODE REQUIRES A SIX BUTTON CONTROLLER: Wait until the Eternal Champions logo appears during the opening sequence then quicky press: X B Z A Y C MODE UP RIGHT LEFT DOWN START. The code must be entered before ''Press Start appears on the screen.

Bonus FMV sequence

Note: This code require a six-button controller. Wait until the Eternal Champions logo appears during the opening sequence, then immediately press X, B, Z, A, Y, C, Mode, Up, Right, Left, Down, Start. The code must be entered before the phrase "Press Start" is displayed. An FMV sequence featuring the game's development team will be displayed.

Character Codes

Blast Press Z, Left, Y, Up, X, B, Mode, Right, Up.
Crispy Press Mode, Up, C, Up, Mode, Y(2), Right, Mode, A, Left.
Chin Wo Press B, Z, Up, Mode, Right, C, B, Up, Y, Up.
Yappy Press Y(2), Up, Down, mode, Down, Z, Up(2), X.
Hooter Press X, C, Right, X, B, Right, Z, A, Mode, Up.
Senator Press Right, C(2), Left, Mode, B, Down, X, A, X, Mode.
Slither Press B, Y, Up(2), C, X, Left, Up, X, Y.
Thenatos Press Mode, C, Y, A, B, Up, B(2), Y, Z, C.
Zuni Press Y, X, Down, B, Mode, Up, X, Up(2), Left, Z, Up.
Eternal Number 1 Press C, Left, Y, B, Mode, X, Right, C, Mode, Down(2), Right.
Eternal Number 2 Press X, Z, A, Mode, Down, Left, C, B, Right, Y, Up, Mode, Y, C.
Dark Champion Press Up, C, B(2), X, Right, Left, C, X, Right, Y, Left, Down.


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