Space Harrier

Space Harrier

Space Harrier

Laser blast and dodge your way through a frantic fantasy land swarming with unbelievable monsters and mutoids constantly coming at you. Accelerate through this arcade classic and answer the distress call... or pay the ultimate penalty!


Space Harrier

Laser blast and dodge your way through a frantic fantasy land swarming with unbelievable monsters and mutoids constantly coming at you. Accelerate through this arcade classic and answer the distress call... or pay the ultimate penalty!

Rutubo Games, Sega
Rutubo Games
Action > Shooter > Rail
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus level points

Reach the level 5 bonus stage. Instead of getting as many points as possible, try to hit less than three trees and weeds. At the end of the level you will jump off the dragon and a plane will fly across the screen. Shoot it down with your gun for 10,000,000 points.

Cheat Menu

When the Sga logo appears hold A+C+Start on 2P while you do the rest of the code. Please do the following while holding on 2P:

Cheat Menu
When you see the title screen hold A + B + C and press Start two times on 1P. Then let go of all buttons.

Cheat mode

Hold A + C + Start on controller two at the Sega logo and continue to hold these buttons during the duration of the code. Hold A + B + C, and press Start(2) on controller one at the title screen. Release all buttons. A cheat menu with difficulty, lives, and continue options will appear.

Extra continues

Press A + C + Start on controller two at the Sega logo. The phrase "Insert Coin" will flash at the title screen to confirm correct code entry.

New Modes

Please do the following:

Arcade Mode: You should hear a voice say, ''Get ready'' and the words ''Insert Coins'' will appear at the title screen instead of ''Press Start''.
When the Sega logo appears, hold A and C and press start on controller two.


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