First, go to the Options Screen and select Color Test.
The first three slots under ''Mars,'' should read as follows:
Now, scroll down to the second set of digits and enter the following:
Beside ''Mars,'' the number should read ''1971''.
Lastly, enter these digits on the third set of three digits under ''Mars'':
The number beside ''Mars'' should read ''0117'' now. Press Start to activate the code.
The next time you go into the Sound Test mode under ''Options,'' Amy Rosie(AKA Amy Rose) should be standing in the lower-right hand corner, bouncing merrily, saying ''Sweet, Cool & Catchy!''.
This code can be entered without entering the Stage Select code.
At the Sound Test, use X and Y to choose between Stereo or Mono, instead of the normal selection buttons. This will cause the music to be at a different speed than usual.
For the best pair, choose Knuckles and Mighty the Armadillo.
Start a new game and use the "Manual Save"feature. Play the special stage of the level and exit the at theworld entrance after winning. Reset the Genesis if you lose thespecial stage. Your loss will not register, allowing all fivechaos rings to be collected after only five levels.
hucbhi bftt tlomi
Press X or Y at the sound test screento toggle stereo mode and adjust the speed of the music.