Defend the championship 5 times.
Clarice Bahamama
Win the Title Bout with Alex Foster
Dragon Leekpai
Win the Title Bout with Greta Halbrocken
Edward King
Defend the championship 5 times.
Fight until you are champion in Open Style.
After becoming the Champion, defeat Jackal in a Title Defense Bout
Jet Honda
Win the Title Bout with Mabutu Dr. Death
Kai Feibig
Win the Title Bout with Bruno Smith
Kiki and Mimi
Fight until you are champion in Peek-A-Boo.
Fight until you are champion in Peek-A-Boo.
Sam Roxburgh
Win the Title Bout with Sergio Casanova
Shark Garcia
Win the Title Bout with Gabrielle Espinoza
Defend the championship 5 times.
Spike Rafello
Win the Title Bout with Damien Pitney
The Butcher
Win the Title Bout with Julio Sanchez
The Cyclops
After defeating Jackal, defeat the Cyclops in a Title Defense Bout