Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

GT Interactive
Oddworld Inhabitants
2D Platformer
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (PlayStation). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


The ending you receive depends on how many Mudokons you rescue during the game.NOTE: Killing all 99 Mudokons places you back at Rupture Farms II immediately following a special message from Mullock the Glukkon.

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Bad endingRescue 1-49 Mudokons
Bad ending and unlock unlimited grenadesKill all 99 Mudokons
Good endingRescue 50-98 Mudokons
Good ending and unlock movie galleryRescue all 99 Mudokons


The ending you receive depends on how many Mudokons you rescue during the game.NOTE: Killing all 99 Mudokons places you back at Rupture Farms II immediately following a special message from Mullock the Glukkon.

How to Unlock
Bad ending
Rescue 1-49 Mudokons
Bad ending and unlock unlimited grenades
Kill all 99 Mudokons
Good ending
Rescue 50-98 Mudokons
Good ending and unlock movie gallery
Rescue all 99 Mudokons

Misc. Codes

Green FartsDuring gameplay hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, X
Level SelectOn the main menu hold R1 and press Down, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right, Left
Movie SkipDuring gameplay hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right
Skip PasswordsDuring gameplay hold R1 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right
View FMV'sAt the title screen hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right
Voice CheatDuring gameplay hold R1 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right

Misc. Codes

During gameplay hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, X
Green Farts
On the main menu hold R1 and press Down, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right, Left
Level Select
During gameplay hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right
Movie Skip
During gameplay hold R1 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right
Skip Passwords
At the title screen hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right
View FMV's
During gameplay hold R1 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right
Voice Cheat


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