C-12: Final Resistance

C-12: Final Resistance

C-12: Final Resistance

The population is threatened with near extinction as hostile alien forces ravage the planet, converting human survivors into cyborg warriors. Working against all odds and armed with an Alien Imaging Unit that has replaced his left eye, Resistance fighter Lt. Riley Vaghan must use firepower, stealth, intelligence and sheer determination to save humankind from impeding doom.


C-12: Final Resistance

The population is threatened with near extinction as hostile alien forces ravage the planet, converting human survivors into cyborg warriors. Working against all odds and armed with an Alien Imaging Unit that has replaced his left eye, Resistance fighter Lt. Riley Vaghan must use firepower, stealth, intelligence and sheer determination to save humankind from impeding doom.

SCE Studio Cambridge, SCEA
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Pause the game and then enter the following:

Hold L2 and press Up, Left, Right, Down, Triangle, Square, Circle, and then X.
All Weapons
Hold L2 and then press Up, Left, Right, Triangle, Square, Circle.
Collect Shield
Hold L2 and press Down, Left, Right, X, Square, Circle.
Infinite Ammo
Hold L2 and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Triangle, Square, X, and Circle.
Hold L2 and then press X, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, X, X.
Stealth Mode
Hold L2 and the press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square, Circle.
Weapon's Secondary Attacks


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