C12: Final Resistance

C12: Final Resistance

C12: Final Resistance

C12: Final Resistance


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for C12: Final Resistance (PlayStation). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Defeating Alien Troopers

Hold R1 and run around them, shooting them with the laser. If they are in a group, they usually will not be paying attention. Just stand back and shoot them in the head.

Defeating the Boss in the Alien Base

After Dr. Carter gets captured by the aliens, you must make your way through mazes and buildings to find her. When you do, her father, who has turned into an alien himself, sends a war drone after you, The best way to defeat it is to destroy the laser arm on the left, followed by the one on the right. Every now and then, pick up the items lying around. Once they are gone, destroy the Drone. If the laser arm starts to fire at you, or the drone brings out its machine guns, just press Triangle to use your shields.

Get Stealth Mode

After pausing the game HOLD L2 and press X, X, Square, Square, triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, X, X.


After pausing the game HOLD L2 and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.

Level 1: Collapsed gantry

When The gantry collapses and you turn on the power, the electric cable nearby will electrify the gantry. If you try to cross, you will get hurt, and it is your only way back. Instead, face the burning trucks and press R2 to switch to first person view. Scroll left, look at the top of the building, and shoot out the electrical box. This will cut off the electricity on the gantry.


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