WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011




Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat Codes

Select "My WWE" at the main menu, then "Options", followed by "Cheat Codes". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Cruiserweight, Hardcore, and Million Dollar Championship belts
Enter historicalbelts as a code.

John Cena Street Fight gear
Enter SLURPEE as a code.

Randy Orton alternate attire
Enter apexpredator as a code to unlock his referee, suit, and T-shirt outfits.

Tribute To The Troops arena
Enter 8thannualtribute as a code.


Defeat him on a match on Smacdown! *Vince Mcmahon will randomly summon him.

Jake the Snake

Defeat Jake in Undetaker's RTWM while taking minimal damage.

Jimmy Snuka

Defeat Jimmy in Undertaker's RTWM.

Masked Kane

Collect all souls and go to your locker room to reveal him. Defeat Masked Kane in the folowing match in the ring to unlock him.

Paul Bearer (not playable character, used as manager only)

Defeat Paul in 90 seconds and defeat Taker at WM .After end credits, you unlock him.

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Find and play all of Christian's Challenge matches.

The Rock

Defeat The Rock in Week 12 of Undertaker's RTWM.

Time Machine

Play Road To WrestleMania with Christian. Talk to Edge in the south locker room at the Elimination Chamber PPV about the Time Machine. Then, go to the GM Office, and talk to Vince McMahon. You will find out the Time Machine is broken into three pieces (they will appear as three green dots on the map). Look for the Edge and Christian action figures. They are between the bookshelf and the TV. Once you leave, you will get a phone call from Edge. The "Flux Capacitor" (Back To The Future reference) is in the Green Room. The "Phone Booth" (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure reference) is in the parking lot. Go to Edge with all three parts to get the Time Machine, which allows any Superstar to travel to any point in time on the Road To WrestleMania.

Vladimir Koslov

Beat Vladimir Kozlov in a match (non-simulated).



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