SD Gundam G Generation Portable

SD Gundam G Generation Portable

SD Gundam G Generation Portable

SD Gundam G Generation Portable is a Strategy game, developed by Namco Bandai Games and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2006.


SD Gundam G Generation Portable

SD Gundam G Generation Portable is a Strategy game, developed by Namco Bandai Games and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2006.

Namco Bandai Games, Bandai
Namco Bandai Games
Strategy > Turn-Based > General
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

ACE Pilot Customized MS

This is a list of the customized MS by placing the correct MS in the ACE pilots' slot during the Operation room of the game.( The stats and weapon attacks may vary once you place the ACE Pilots on their respective MS)

How to Unlock
Amuro 's Customized Z Plus A Type
Placing Z Plus A Type in Amuro Ray's slot
Andrew Waltfeld's Customized Gaia Gundam
Placing Gaia Gundam in Andrew Waltfeld's slot
Andrew Waltfeld's Customized Murasame
Placing Murasame in Andrew Waltfeld's slot
Casval Rem Deikun's Customized Gundam
Placing Gundam in Char Aznable's slot
Char's Customized Z'Gok
Placing Z'Gok in Char Aznable's slot
Char's Customized Gelgoog
Placing Gelgoog in Char Aznable's slot
Char's Customized Rick Dom
Placing Rick Dom in Char Aznable's slot
Char's Customized Zaku II
Placing Zaku II in Char Aznable's slot
Cima's Customized Gelgoog Marine
Placing Gelgoog Marine in Cima Garahau's slot
Dearka Elsman's Customized Zaku Phantom
Placing Zaku Phantom in Dearka Elsman's slot
Heine Westenfluss' Customized Gouf Ignited
Placing Gouf Ignited in Heine Westenfluss' slot
Heine Westenfluss' Customized Zaku Phantom
Placing Zaku Phantom in Heine Westenfluss' slot
Lunamaria Hawke's Customized Zaku Warrior
Placing Zaku Warrior in Lunamaria Hawke's slot
Miguel's Customized Ginn
Placing Ginn in Miguel Aiman's slot
Neo Roanoke's Customized Windam
Placing Windam in Neo Roanoke's slot
Ridden's Customized High Mobility Gelgoog
Placing High Mobility Gelgoog in Johnny Ridden's slot
Ridden's Customized High Mobility Zaku II
Placing High Mobility Zaku II in Johnny Ridden's slot
Yzak Joule's Customized Gouf Ignited
Placing Gouf Ignited in Yzak Joule's slot
Yzak Joule's Customized Zaku Phantom
Placing Zaku Phantom in Yzak Joule's slot

Additional Custom Units

Here are a few more custom units that you can unlock...

How to Unlock
Anavel Gato's Custom Gelgoog
Place Gato in a Gelgoog
Leucrezia Noin's Custom Aries
Place Noin in Aries
Marbet's White Zoloat
Place Marbet in Zoloat
Noin's White Taurus
Place Noin in Taurus
Zabine Chureux's Custom Den'an Gei
Place Zabine in Den'an Gei

Alternate ACE pilots and facial/costume changes

To unlock alternate characters and facial/costume changes, you have to beat the required stages and storyline in the game.

Eg. by clearing the Gundam, Z Gundam and CCA stages, you will be able to get all Amuro Ray's alternate characters from Gundam to CCA series.
Amuro Ray(0079)-->Amuro Ray(0087)-->Amuro Ray(0093)
[Gundam Cleared --> Z Gundam Cleared--> Char's Counterattack(CCA) Cleared]

How to Unlock
Allenby Beardsley --> Allenby Beardsley(Berserker Mode)
Clear all G Gundam stages
Amuro Ray(UC 0079) --> Amuro Ray(UC 0087) --> Amuro Ray(UC 0093)
Clear all Gundam, Z Gundam and CCA stages
Andy Waltfeld(CE 71) --> Andy Waltfeld (ZAFT) --> Andy Waltfeld( CE73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Athrun Zala(CE 71) --> Alex Dino --> Athrun Zala(CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Bright Noah(UC 0079) --> Bright Noah(UC 0087) --> Bright Noah(UC 0093)
Clear all Gundam, Z Gundam and CCA stages
Cagalli Yula Athha(CE 71) --> Cagalli Yula Athha (CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Char Anzable(UC 0079) --> Char Anzable(UC 0087) --> Char Anzable(UC 0093)
Clear all Gundam, Z Gundam and CCA stages
Dearka Elsman(CE 71) --> Dearka Elsman(CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Haman Karn(UC00 87) --> Haman Karn(UC 0088)
Obtain from 50% of Collection list with all Z, ZZ stages Cleared
Hathaway Noah(CCA) --> Mafty(Hathaway's Flash)
Clear all CCA stages
Hayato Kobayashi(UC 0079) --> Hayato Kobayashi(UC 0087)
Clear all Gundam and Z Gundam stages
Kai Shiden(UC 0079) --> Kai Shiden(UC 0087)
Clear all Gundam and Z Gundam stages
Kira Yamato(CE 71) --> Kira Yamato(CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Lacus Clyne(Two Alternate costumes in SEED) --> Lacus Clyne(CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Mu La Flaga(SEED) --> Neo Roanoke (SEED Destiny)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Murrue Ramius(CE 71) --> Murrue Ramius(CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Seabook Arno(F91) --> Kincado Nau(Crossbone X)
Clear all F91 stages
Yzak Joule(CE 71) --> Yzak Joule(CE 73)
Clear all SEED and SEED Destiny stages
Zabine Chareux(F91) --> Zabine Chareux(Crossbone X)
Clear all F91 stages
Zechs Merquise --> Milliardo Peacecraft
Obtain from 75% of Collection list

Special units

After completing certain levels, you will gain money,parts, and unlock units to buy. After unlocking a certain portionof the game, you will get a special unit. Note: Special unitscannot be used in campaigns where the same person is present.For example, Johnny Raiden cannot be used in the Mobile Suit Gundamseries.

After unlocking 10%
Series: Kidou Senshi Gundam: Sidestory
After unlocking 15%
Unit Name: Gundam Blue Destiny (First Generation Unit)
Pilot: Yu Kajima
Characteristics: Land battles only
Series: Kidou Senshi Gundam MSV
After unlocking 20%
Unit Name: Zaku II (Raiden Version)
Pilot: Johnny Raiden
Characteristics: Space battles only
After unlocking 25%
Unit Name: Jin (Miguel Version)
Pilot: Miguel Aiman
Characteristics: Compatible with space, land, and sea.
Series: Gundam Seed
After unlocking 30%
Unit Name: ASTRAY (Red Frame)
Pilot: Ro Guile
Characteristics: Space, Land, and Undersea battles
Series: Gundam Seed ASTRAY
After unlocking 35%
Unit Name: Gelgoog M (Shiima Type)
Pilot: Shiima Galahowe
Characteristics: Space, Land, and Undersea Battles
Series: Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
After unlocking 40%
Unit Name: S Gundam (Sentinel Gundam)
Pilot: Liou Rootsu
Characteristics: Space, Land and Undersea Battles
Series: Gundam Sentinel
After unlocking 45%
Unit Name: Astray Gold Flame
Pilot: Rondo Ghina Sahaku
After unlocking 50%
Unit Name: Gaza C
Pilot: Haman Karnan
After unlocking 55%
Unit Name: Crossbone X3
Pilot: Tobia Arronax
After unlocking 60%
Unit Name: Hyperion Gundam
Pilot: Canard Pars
After unlocking 65%
Unit Name: GP02
Pilot: Anavel Gato
After unlocking 70%
Unit Name: MA Elmeth
Pilot: Lalah Sune
After unlocking 75%
Unit Name: Tallgeese
Pilot: Zechs Merquise
After unlocking 77%
Unit Name: Gaia Gundam
Pilot: Stella Loussier
After unlocking 80%
Unit Name: Psycho Gundam
Pilot: Four Murasame
After unlocking 85%
Unit Name: Dreadnought Gundam
Pilot: Prayer Reverie
After unlocking 90%
Unit Name: Messala
Pilot: Paptimus Scirocco
After unlocking 93%
Unit Name: Turn X
Pilot: Gym Ghingnham
After unlocking 95%
Unit Name: Astray Blue Flame
Pilot: Gai Murakumo
After unlocking 97%
Unit Name: Cgue
Pilot: Rau Le Creuset
After unlocking 99%
Unit Name: Shuffle-Heart
Pilot: Master Asia
After unlocking 100%
Unit Name: MS Haro
Pilot: Haro

Unlock Amuro 's Customized Z Plus A Type

Placing Z Plus A Type in Amuro Ray's slot.

Unlock Anavel Gato's Custom Gelgoog

Place Gato in a Gelgoog.

Unlocked Ace Pilots and MS

This is a list of unlocked Pilot and MS you will obtained by the % percentage of completion in the collection of the game.( Pilots and MS will only be obtained after any mission)

How to Unlock
Astray Blue Flame & Gai Murakumo
95% of completion in Collection
Astray Gold Flame & Rondo Ghina Sahaku
45% of completion in Collection
Astray Red Flame & Lowe Guele
30% of completion in Collection
Blue Destiny unit 1 & Yu Kajima
15% of completion in Collection
Cgue & Rau Le Creuset
97% of completion in Collection
Crossbone X3 & Tobia Arronax
55% of completion in Collection
Dreadnought Gundam & Prayer Reverie
85% of completion in Collection
Gaza C & Haman Karnan
50% of completion in Collection
Gelgoog Marine & Cima Garahau
35% of completion in Collection
Ginn & Miguel Aiman
25% of completion in Collection
GP02 & Anavel Gato
65% of completion in Collection
Haro & MS Haro
100% of completion in Collection
High mobility Zaku II & Johnny Ridden
20% of completion in Collection
Hyperion Gundam & Canard Pars
60% of completion in Collection
MA Elmeth & Lalah Sune
70% of completion in Collection
Messala & Paptimus Scirocco
90% of completion in Collection
Psycho Gundam & Four Murasame
80% of completion in Collection
S Gundam & Ryu Roots
40% of completion in Collection
Shuffle-Heart & Master Asia
99% of completion in Collection
Tallgeese & Zechs Merquise, Gaia Gundam & Stella Loussier
75% & 77% of completion in Collection
Turn X & Gym Ghingnham
93% of completion in Collection



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