Madden NFL 07

Madden NFL 07

Madden NFL 07

With the exclusive video game license of the NFL and its players, and currently in its 17th installment, Madden NFL 07 puts you in control the running game like never before. For the first time ever, step up as the lead blocker to create a hole, and then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers as you fight for every yard. Innovative rushing controls give you a game-breaking ground attack featuring all-new jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct running styles of your favorite backs.


Madden NFL 07

With the exclusive video game license of the NFL and its players, and currently in its 17th installment, Madden NFL 07 puts you in control the running game like never before. For the first time ever, step up as the lead blocker to create a hole, and then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers as you fight for every yard. Innovative rushing controls give you a game-breaking ground attack featuring all-new jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct running styles of your favorite backs.

EA Tiburon, EA Sports
EA Tiburon
Sports > Team > Football > Sim
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Enter these names in the password section to get the madden cards.

Password - Effect
XL7SP1 - Mistake Free Card, effective for one half.
WROA0R - Quarterback 100% Accuracy for one half.
5LAQO0 - Your opponent will have to throw Lob Passes for one half.

Easy End To End mini-game

When playing the "End To End" mini-game,the moment a defender attempts to tackle your player press Pause.This allows you to see what move (high tackle, low tackle, rightor left tackle) he is going to attempt. The moment you resumethe game, press the corresponding button. This is an easy wayto score 40,000 points and to break the high score to unlock thethe Hall of Fame AFC and NFC teams.

Easy Perfects

In End 2, end in any level as soon as you see the oppositefootball player. They will start to move at you. Pause game playso that you can see how they will try to tackle you. Resume thegame and escape them for a perfect. This can be put together asa combo to earn unlockables such as music and teams.

Easy Touchdown

To get an easy touch down or get close to one, throw it to any reciver as quick as you can after you snap the ball. Then if they catch it, push the analog stick up and press triangle when defenders come at you. It should either dodge them or plow them to the ground.

Madden Cards

Enter the following names in the Password section to get the Madden Cards.




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