Macross Ace Frontier

Macross Ace Frontier

Macross Ace Frontier

Macross Ace Frontier


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Macross Ace Frontier (Sony PSP). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Choose the "Setting" option at the hangar. Then choose the "Auto Save/Password" option and enter one of the following passwords to activate the corresponding cheat function.

All Zentradi Arms EX mission
Enter EHIAR as a password.

Do You Remember Famitsu? EX mission
Enter LAMGV as a password.

Super Dimension Gladiators Dengeki EX mission
Enter IGYSU as a password.

Generation Drive EX mission
Enter KSALE as a password.

Macross 7 EX Mission

Get a S or above ranking for Maiden's Gerek (mission 7) and Nightmare assault (mission 15) to unlock EX versions of those missions.


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Information provided on this website is for educational and personal use only. As we are unable to test every cheat code/hint that we provide, please use them at your own risk.