King of Clubs

King of Clubs

King of Clubs

King of Clubs is an innovative action-puzzle game, combining the challenge of the traditional ball-rolling puzzler with the classic tacky seaside pastime of mini-golf. As an evolution of the ball-rolling puzzle genre, each level has multiple solutions, and as further equipment is unlocked, new paths through each hole become viable. Building on the great tradition of sorry-looking mini-golf courses, the game is set in a dilapidated theme-park which takes decaying kitsch to new extremes.


King of Clubs

King of Clubs is an innovative action-puzzle game, combining the challenge of the traditional ball-rolling puzzler with the classic tacky seaside pastime of mini-golf. As an evolution of the ball-rolling puzzle genre, each level has multiple solutions, and as further equipment is unlocked, new paths through each hole become viable. Building on the great tradition of sorry-looking mini-golf courses, the game is set in a dilapidated theme-park which takes decaying kitsch to new extremes.

Oxygen Interactive
Oxygen Interactive
Sports > Individual > Golf > Arcade
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for King of Clubs (Sony PSP). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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