King Kong

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for King Kong (Sony PSP). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Alternate Ending Sequence

Have at least 100% game completion and 250,000 points.

Artwork Gallery

Successfully complete the game.


Go to cheat menu and insert the code: 8wonder. (this may not work for psp i have only used it for xbox, damage visuals will still present)

Save Kong alternate ending sequence

Have at least 250,000 points and a 100% game completion.


Hold L1 + R1 and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) at the main menu. Release L1 + R1 and a 'Cheat' option will appear at the main menu. Select the 'Cheat' option, then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

God Mode
Enter 8wonder as a code. You will still take damage, but will not lose a life. However, high falls and fire can still cause loss of life. Also, this code must be re-enabled with each new level.

Level Select
Enter KKst0ry as a code. This code includes the number '0'.

One-hit Kills
Enter GrosBras as a code.

999 Ammunition
Enter KK 999 mun as a code.

Bonuses Completed
Enter KKmuseum as a code.

Unlimited Spears
Enter lance 1nf as a code. This code includes the number '1' in the second word. Press Reload to get the spears.

Machine Gun
Enter KKcapone as a code.

Enter KKtigun as a code.

Enter KKsh0tgun as a code. This code includes the number '0'.

Sniper Rifle
Enter KKsn1per as a code. This code includes the number '1'.


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