Gundam Battle Chronicle

Gundam Battle Chronicle

Gundam Battle Chronicle

Gundam Battle Chronicle is an Action game, developed by Artdink and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2007.


Gundam Battle Chronicle

Gundam Battle Chronicle is an Action game, developed by Artdink and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2007.

Artdink, Bandai Namco Games
Action > General
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

All MS Points+ 10000

Stat Limiter unlocked+ Gundam Battle Royal Game Save.

AXIS faction storyline

Complete the EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083),Delaz Fleet,AEUG,Titans factions.

Capture Mode

Complete All the Faction storylines.

Extra 100 Points To All MS

Finish all the tutorials. After that, you will receive a 100 point bonus for all MS.

Extra MS Points at the start

Have a gundam battle tactics and gundam battle royale game save on your memory stick.

Effect - Code

300 MS Points - Gundam Battle Tactics Game Save
200 MS Points - Gundam Battle Royale Game Save

Extra points

Complete all tutorials to get a 100 point bonus forall Mobile Suits.

Have a saved game file from Gundam Battle Royale on yourMemoryStick Duo to get 200 points.

Have a saved game file from Gundam Battle Tactics on yourMemoryStick Duo to get 300 points.

Extra Unlockables

Complete the following.

How to Unlock
All MS Points+ 10000
Stat Limiter unlocked+ Gundam Battle Royal Game Save
All MS Points+ 20000
Stat Limiter unlocked+ Gundam Battle Tactics Game Save
MS Limits Zeroed
Complete everything 100%
No Time Limit
Complete the EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083), Delaz Fleet, AEUG and Titan faction missions
Non NT Limit
Complete the extra mission, Earth in my Hand
Non Space Use
Complete the mission, Free from Gravity
NT Limit
Complete the extra mission, Earth in my Hand
Recover all destroyed enemy MS
Complete all the original factions except Axis
Space Use
Complete the mission, Free from Gravity

Mobile Suits

Complete the following missions.

How to unlock

Mobile Suits

Complete the indicated task to unlock the correspondingMobile Suit.

Ball: Reach at least the second Military Ranking and complete Lightning in the Wilderness mission.
FA Gundam: Earn an "S" rank in Light from the Universe mission.
Gelgogg Cannon: Use MS-14A and Zaku Cannon for at least five missions each.
GM [WD]: Complete Twilight Islands or Belfast In The Rain missions.
GM Blue Destiny: Use Gundam G ten or more times or earn an "S" rank in Fate On The Atlantic Ocean mission.
GM Command [S]: Complete the Tragedy in Jaburo mission.
GM Command: Complete Twilight Islands or Belfast In The Rain missions.
GM Sniper II [WD]: Use GM [WD] and GM Sniper II at least five times each.
GM Sniper II: Complete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star, or Fate On The Atlantic Ocean missions.
Guncannon: Complete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate On The Atlantic Ocean missions.
Gundam [G] with GM head: Earn an "A" rank in The Last Resort mission.
Gundam [MC]: Complete all missions from EFSF (0079).
Gundam Blue Destiny Unit 3: Use GM Blue Destiny at least ten times, or earn an "S" rank in The Judge mission.
Gundam Ez-8: Earn an "S" rank in The Last Resort mission.
Gundam G: Complete Lightning In The Wilderness misisons.
Gundam NT-1 Alex: Use Gundam at least ten times and complete Tragedy In Jaburo mission.
Gundam RX-78 NT11: Earn an "S" rank in the War In The Pocket mission.
Gundam: Reach at least the third Military Ranking and complete the Lightning In The Wilderness mission.
Guntank: Complete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate On The Atlantic Ocean mission.
MA-04X Zakrello: Use MA-05 Bygro for five missions.
MAN-08 Elmeth: Use Braw Bro for five missions.
MS-05 [3S]: Use the MS-05 for at least five missions.
MS-05[RR]: Use MS-07B for at least five missions.
MS-06FZ(FH): Use MS-06FZ for five missions
MS-06R1A: Use MS-05[3S] for at least five missions.
MS-06S(CA): Use MS-06S for five missions. Alternately, complete the Zeon's Odessa mission.
MS-14A(AG): Use MS-09R(AG) for five missions
MS-14B(SM): Use MS-06R1 or MS-06R2 for five missions.
MS-14S: Use MS-14A for at least five missions.
MSM-04G Juaggu: Fight with Zock five times.
MSM-07E: Earn an "S" rank on the "How Many More Miles To The Battlefileld?" mission.
MSN-02 Perfect Zeong: Use Zeong for five missions.
MSN-02 Zeong: Use MSN-01 for five missions. Alternately, earn an "S" rank on the A Baoa Qu mission (light blue route).
Nu Gundam: Complete the Madada! Mada Owaranyo! EX mission.
Perfect Zeong: Use Zeong for at least five missions.
Prototype Gundam: Earn an "S" rank in The New-Types' Threat mission.
Quebeley Mark II [Blue]: Use Quebeley Mark II [Red] five times.
Quebeley Mark II [Red]: Use Quebeley Mark II five times.
Quin Mantha: Complete the Axis storyline.
RX-78-2 [Last Shooting]: Complete the Gundam Daichi ni Tatsu EX mission.
RX-78-2 Char Aznable Custom: Complete the Gundam Chronicle EX mission.
RX-78-6 Mudrock: Earn an "S" rank in the Tragedy In Jaburo mission, or use Gundam and Guncannon at least ten times each.
S Gundam: Complete the Juuryoku Kara no Kaihou EX mission.
Saku CA: Complete the Tatakai wa Kazu Dayo Aniki! EX mission.
Saku: Complete Sasuga Dazo, Woody-kun! EX mission.
Sazabi: Complete the Zeon no Eiyuu EX mission.
SM: Complete the Jaburo ni Mojiku! EX mission.
YMS-15: Use MS-08TX Efreet Custom for ten missions.
Zeg Ein: Complete the Chikyuu wo Kono Te Ni EX mission.
Zeta Gundam [Zaku Head]: Have Zeta Gundam and Zaku IIF in the same saved game file with both used ten times each; and complete the AEUG storyline.
Zeta Plus A1: Complete the Haruka Tooku Wo Mitsumete EX mission.
Zeta Plus C1/2: Complete the Newtype no Kyoui EX mission.
Zeta Plus C1: Complete both routes of the Newtype no Kyoui EX mission.
ZZ Gundam: Complete the AEUG storyline.

Mobile Suits for Zeon

Complete the missions on the Zeon faction:

How to unlock



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