FIFA Street 2

FIFA Street 2

FIFA Street 2

FIFA Street 2

EA Canada
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Completion bonuses

Successfully complete Rule The Street mode to get 150,000 BH and unlock all rewards (venues, tops, bottoms, shoes, and players).

Easy goals

While facing one or two other players, do an over the head beat. Before you catch the ball, pass it to a nearby teammate. In the middle of the pass, hold Square to usually confuse the goalie and score. If you do not have any nearby teammates, just hold Square when the ball is in the air to shoot.

Easy wins

Go to the "Game Modes" screen then choose your team. Go to "Head Start" and set it as desired. For example, if you want to win by five goals then choose "Head Start 4+". You now only have to score once to win.

Player stops

When somebody is doing a Panana worth 1000, your player will sometimes stop on one foot then carry on after a short while.

Wandering keeper

At any time when your keeper has the ball in his hand, hold Triangle while pushing towards the opposite goal. The keeper will put down the ball and pick it back up. The keeper will walk up to the half way line with the ball in his hand. Note: the keeper is still vulnerable to tackles.


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