When in the item shop in most towns, you are able topurchase Sleeping Bags and Camping Sets. They each cost 100 Tems.However, the Sleeping Bag is party partial recovery and the CampingSet is party full recovery (HP/K.O.).
Successfully complete the game and save the game. Load the cleared game file. When the game is resumed, you canplay as NPCs such as Kee Keema, Meena, Wataru, Mitsuru, and Kutz. Additionally, enter the "Other" menu and select "MonsterAlbum". You can view details on any enemy by pressing Xwhile they are highlighted.
Clear the game and save the completed file. When you load the game, you will now be able to view more details on all the game's enemies by view the Monster Album in the Other menu. Highlight any monster and press X to view their details, including how to craze them.
After defeating the three sets of twins at the Bandit'sHideout, Leynart will capture the thieves and reward your partywith a feast. He will then bid you farewell and give you a bagof "gems" that they had in possession. Yuno will takethe bag and ask which of the four stones you would like: Red,Blue, Purple, or Green. Whichever stone you choose will be socketedinto your Traveler's Sword, so choose wisely. The Red Stone givesresistance to fire-based attacks and grants you fire power withinthe sword. The Blue Stone does the same with ice/water, the PurpleStone with lightning, and the Green Stone with Wind. Your swordskills will depend upon your choice.