Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy

Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy

Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy

Me & My Katamari is an Action Adventure game, developed and published by Namco, which was released in Japan in 2005.


Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy

Me & My Katamari is an Action Adventure game, developed and published by Namco, which was released in Japan in 2005.

Action Adventure > General
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

2D Katamari Damacy

After completing the final "Crown" level at the Prince island, the King will speak and suddenly everything gets changed into sprites. The game title in 8-bit graphics will appear and players are treated to a short level of 2D Katamari Damacy with the game credits rolling at the same time. Press X to jump and use the D-pad to move in this mode.

Eternal Mode

Eternal Mode (play without a time limit) is unlockable for all 16 normal stages. To earn a given stage's Eternal mode, score at least an 80 as your second score at the end of the stage.

To access Eternal once you've earned it, talk to the animal, make your selection, and choose the top choice when given a choice.

To exit the Eternal stage and save all items/cousins/presents collected, pause and press Square, and choose the left choice.

Eternal mode

Get over 80 points as your second score at the endof any normal mode stage to unlock that stage's Eternal version,which removes the time limit.

EVENING stage in 2d Me & My Katamari

Make it to the end of the credits in the 2d version of Me & My Katamari.

How to Unlock
2d Evening Mode
Beat 2d Daytime Mode (During Credits)
Night 2d Me & My Katamari stage
Get to the castle in Day 2d Me & My Katamari stage

Katamari Damacy mini-game

Successfully complete the game. After the King speaksduring the ending sequence, a short level based on the originalKatamari Damacy in classic 8-bit style will begin. Youcan control the mini-game during the credits by using the D-padto move and Circle to jump.

Katamari Damacy mini-game: Dashing

Hold Triangle to hear a little sound and the Katamari should move slightly faster.

Katamari Damacy mini-game: Evening level

Successfully complete the Katamari Damacy mini-game.

Sound Test tracks

Complete the indicated task to unlock the correspondingsong in the "Sound Test" option on the "VacationMemorial" screen.

Blue Orb song: Complete the game and the credits.
Song For King of Kings: Complete the game and the credits.

Soundtrack Unlockables

Clearing the various missions will unlock new songs in the game's Sound Test (found in the Vacation Memorial). You will also be able to select the songs for play during any mission you choose.

How to Unlock
Blue Orb
Beat The Game (Clear The Credits Once)
Song For King of Kings
Beat The Game (Clear The Credits Once)

Upgrade Island's Name Board

By collecting 100% of the 2,434 objects in the game, your island's name board changes from wood to a strobe light name board which has many colors.



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