Bounty Hounds

Bounty Hounds

Bounty Hounds

Hundreds of years into the future, Terraforming has made it possible for humans to colonize other planets - and thus for humanity to encounter Extraterrestrial Intelligence. War ensued over the acquisition and conquest of planets, which lead to employment of mercenaries who would scout planets deemed fit for habitation. The band of these ruthless mercenaries was called Bounty Hounds. As Maximillian, the leader of Bounty Hounds, your mission is to battle different alien species spread across planets. With a variety of new weapons and items as well as Wi-Fi play to match up against a friend,...


Bounty Hounds

Hundreds of years into the future, Terraforming has made it possible for humans to colonize other planets - and thus for humanity to encounter Extraterrestrial Intelligence. War ensued over the acquisition and conquest of planets, which lead to employment of mercenaries who would scout planets deemed fit for habitation. The band of these ruthless mercenaries was called Bounty Hounds. As Maximillian, the leader of Bounty Hounds, your mission is to battle different alien species spread across planets. With a variety of new weapons and items as well as Wi-Fi play to match up against a friend,...

Xpec, Namco Bandai Games
Action > Shooter > Third-Person > Arcade
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Difficulty Levels

Beating each difficulty mode will unlock the next. For example, beating Ouroboro Emulation mode will unlock Welcome to the Real World mode which continues the story which Ouroboro Emulation mode left off.

Effect - Code

Hard mode - Clear Normal mode
Normal mode - Clear Easy mode

Lots of legend

You can have lots of legend swords,guns or any kind of legend just go to NGX8080SS final level named pointSS and fight any robot there and collect any item you may find from those robots then go to the weapon store and analize your items you will find some legend wepons. Note: you may have some problems fighting those robots and you may never find any legend if you set the difficulty level to normal you will find legend weapons anytime by killing robots at the same level.

New Storyline

After beating the game, start a new game+, there will be a new storyline on that playthrough.

Normal mode

Successfully complete the game under the easy difficultysetting.


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