Use Tess's Feeble II spell to greatly reduce the DreadKnight's high attack power. Keep Felis in case you need to usean item or heal with Restoras. Attack the Dread Knight with constantattacks from Lance and Goken. If you want to prepare to use aGroup Lunability, when you are steadily reaching 500 make Delizaand Tess ready for a Group Lunabilty ahead of time. Use Deliza'sLast Wind Lunability as it does the most damage.
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When you receive Tess, train her until you get thespell Feeble I or II, and Feebos. When you have received thesespells, they will be very helpful against tough enemies and Bosses.When fighting a Boss that does a lot of damage and you want toweather it, use Tess or Deliza's spell to weaken their attackgreatly. For a single Boss, use Feeble II. For tough enemies,use Feebos. This spell is extremely useful.
When your fighting the Dark Lord, make sure your heroesare at least level 65. If your heroes are below level 75 and youhave trouble gathering for Pyrostorm, instead use a lot of RazorSpins by Lance and Feet of Fury by Goken. For Felis, keep usingthe Restoras Spell, even if the Dark Lord has not attacked yetor your heroes are at full health, because the spell takes sometime. When the Dark Lord attacks, the spell should be finishedby then and you will have your heroes healed immediately afterhe attacks. Keep doing multiple attacks from Lance and Goken.If you are above level 75, prime up the Lunar Gauge with multipleattacks from Lance and Goken. Keep Felis prepared in case somethinghappens. Keep attacking until you are above 700 Lunar Gauge. Ifthe Dark Lord tries to cast a spell, instead of regular attackinghave Lance do Razor Spin or Goken's Feet of Fury. The Dark Lordwill eventually die after repeated sessions of spells. Note :If you are below level 70, plans may vary. Make sure Lance isequipped with the Elemental Sword (Fire) before going into battle.
At about level 10 after Gozen joins your group andyou defeat the demon wolf, go to the crafting store in the JadeCity. Buy Hardbone Hilts and Steel Blades and make some Sabers.You do not need the recipe, as the ingredients are as mentioned.Combine the Hardbone Hilts (150 gold) with the Steel Blades (300gold). The created Saber can be sold for 1,000 gold, giving youra 550 gold profit. If you do it on a large scale, you can makea large amount of gold quickly. Save the game often. If it failsto craft, you will only lose the cheaper Hardbone Hilt. Also,once you make one Saber, the recipe is automatically added anddo not have to select the ingredients constantly.
After you defeat the Morzad King, use the Lighbra Gate to teleportto Jade. Go to Market Plaza and talk to Mahatma (near the entranceto Port). Accept his mission to deliver supplies to either RemVillage or Domerune Port. Talk to the clients at the locationyou chose and you will get an easy 2,000 gold. Repeat this asmany times as desired.
After reaching Domerune Port and once the Magic Blade is availablefor sale, you can use crafting to create the Dark Sword from aMagic Blade and a Hardbone Hilt. The Dark Swords sell for 5,400gold and cost a mere 750 gold to craft.
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When using a Group Lunability, there will show a circleexpanding and a circle expanding inside of it. When that innercircle is about to become the outer circle, just before it becomesa full circle press X.Your Group Lunabilities will do muchmore damage.