Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum

When reality is a nightmare, nightmares become real.

In this psychological horror game, you fight the terrifying creatures invading your mind. Can you save your sanity? Trapped between two realities, you wander tormented within the walls of your family home and the trenches of World War I.


BREAK THE CYCLE: Will the nightmare of the war ever end? Will your mind be at peace one day? In Ad Infinitum, you play as a German soldier haunted by the horrors of the Great War. While your mind drifts between memories of your family home and of...



Ad Infinitum

When reality is a nightmare, nightmares become real.

In this psychological horror game, you fight the terrifying creatures invading your mind. Can you save your sanity? Trapped between two realities, you wander tormented within the walls of your family home and the trenches of World War I.


BREAK THE CYCLE: Will the nightmare of the war ever end? Will your mind be at peace one day? In Ad Infinitum, you play as a German soldier haunted by the horrors of the Great War. While your mind drifts between memories of your family home and of...


Maximum Games
Action Adventure
Release Date (US)
Mature 17+

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Ad Infinitum (PlayStation 5). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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