Tearaway Unfolded

Tearaway Unfolded

Tearaway Unfolded

Unfold her magical papery world, save her pals in peril and battle the monsters trying to stop her delivery! Overflowing with PS4-exclusive features, surprises and secrets, you don't just play Tearaway Unfolded.


Tearaway Unfolded

Unfold her magical papery world, save her pals in peril and battle the monsters trying to stop her delivery! Overflowing with PS4-exclusive features, surprises and secrets, you don't just play Tearaway Unfolded.

Media Molecule, SCEA
Media Molecule
Action Adventure > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.
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Perfectionist (Platinum): Collect all the other trophies.
Helping Hand (Bronze): Complete your first "extra thing to do".
Papercraft Beginner (Bronze): Unlock your first papercraft plan.
Crafty (Bronze): Create 10 decorations with the cutting mat.
Too Much Swag (Bronze): Put more than 10 decorations on your messenger.
Ham-Fisted (Bronze): Dispatch 10 scraps while riding the pig.
Free Hug (Bronze): Throw a gopher at a scrap.
Paperazzi (Bronze): Take 15 photos of the paper world.
Tower of Doom (Bronze): Tumble a stack of 5 scraps.
Doppelganger (Bronze): Take a photo of the Other Messenger.
Air Selfie (Bronze): Take a Selfie on the Paper Plane.
Iconic (Bronze): Create a trophy icon on the cutting mat.
Piggy in the Middle (Bronze): Let the squirrels play throw-and-catch with the messenger.
Friendly Fire (Bronze): Force a stilt scrap to shoot another scrap.
Imprison (Bronze): Throw a scrap into the controller.
Petting Zoo (Bronze): Stroke 4 different types of creature inside your controller.
Gopher Trampoline (Bronze): Bounce 10 times in a row on a gopher.
Bouncer (Bronze): Bounce on two bouncer scraps without touching the ground.
With One Stone (Bronze): Hit 5 enemies at once with a Thrown-Forth projectile.
Shredder (Silver): Dispatch 200 scraps.
Papercraft Enthusiast (Silver): Collect 25 papercraft plans.
Lunch Break (Silver): Take a sepia photo of a squirrel eating an acorn.
Globe Trotter (Silver): Take a photo in each chapter.
Good Old Days (Silver): Take a black and white photo of a gopher riding an elk.
Yellow Head (Silver): Take a photo of Yellow Head.
You Have 1 New Message (Silver): Finish the game.
Neat Freak (Silver): Use the Guiding Light to clear up 500 pieces of scrap paper.
Harlequin (Silver): Change the color of every part of your messenger.
Taxi! (Silver): Safely deliver the Misplaced Gopher home.
Papercraft Wizard (Silver): Collect all the papercraft plans in the world.
Scrapped (Gold): Dispatch all the scraps.
Gifted (Gold): Collect all the hidden presents.
Do-Gooder (Gold): Complete all the "extra things to do".
Chauffeur (Gold): Safely deliver the Misplaced Gopher everywhere she wants to go.
Completist (Gold): 100% complete the game.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


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