Sniper Elite 3

Sniper Elite 3

Sniper Elite 3

Sniper Elite 3


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Sniper Elite 3 (PlayStation 4). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "1200 Rounds of Awesome!" trophy

Play the "Twilight Strike" Overwatch mission. In the middle fortress is a weapon supply cache. Have the operative pick the door's lock then take the MG-found 42 inside. Have him place it on two possible locations.

Easy "Coast to Coast" trophy

Play the "Twilight Strike" Overwatch mission in co-op mode. Have a sniper shoot the person in the tower far away. This enemy will be tagged automatically at some point.

Easy "Dedicated soldier" trophy

Collect or complete the following collectibles and objectives.

15 Weapon Upgrades
18 Optional Objectives
20 Collectible Cards
22 Sniper Nest
60 War Diaries
8 Long Shots

Easy "I Siwa you did there" trophy

Wait until your target collects the intel. He will start walking around the map. Follow him until he arrives at a fountain. On one wall is scaffolding with a rock on top. Wait until your shot is covered, then aim for the explosive barrel at the bottom of the scaffolding. The construction will collapse and bury your target. If you get spotted and he stops walking (and will not continue after your hide), try to attract him to the location step by step by throwing stones.

Easy "Specialist" trophy

There are a total of four weapon ranges, rifle easy, rifle hard, SMG, and pistol. You must hit at least 95% of the targets to earn gold on each range. Play the game under the Cadet difficulty setting to avoid wind and bullet drop. Use any rifle for the rifle courses, which is easy because you can scope and zoom. In the SMG course, consider using the Sten as it has a good magazine size to hit the targets with enough reload to ensure that you do not miss any of them. Crouch, then tap shoot. In the pistol course, consider using the Luger. Memorize the targets as best you can. The Luger has eight rounds in its magazine, and there will be pauses between the targets appearing to allow for reloads.


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