Rogue Legacy

Rogue Legacy

Rogue Legacy

Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might have tourettes-- they could even be a dwarf.That's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to be perfect to win this game. But you do have to be pretty darn good because this game is HARD. Fortunately, every time you die all the gold you've collected can be used to upgrade you manor, giving your next child a step up in life and another chance at vanquishing evil.


Rogue Legacy

Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might have tourettes-- they could even be a dwarf.That's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to be perfect to win this game. But you do have to be pretty darn good because this game is HARD. Fortunately, every time you die all the gold you've collected can be used to upgrade you manor, giving your next child a step up in life and another chance at vanquishing evil.

Cellar Door Games
Cellar Door Games
Action > Platformer > 2D
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
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ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Dragon class

After the "Invuln Time Up" is available, a flag pole will appear at the top of the castle. Press [Up] to purchase the "Beastiality" upgrade for 5,810 gold to unlock the Dragon class. The Dragon class can fly indefinitely, and shoot fireballs at the cost of mana while flying. Note: Its primary stat is Intelligence.

Easy "Coulrophilia" trophy

Select the Axe target mini-game. After talking to the clown, your spells will be switched to the arcing thrown axe. Move forward slowly towards the challenge room without getting locked in by stepping too far ahead. Once close enough, you can knock some targets without using all five charges. Select the Axe target mini-game. Choose a hero with the Clumsy trait. He will be able to break all the targets with his sword, which counts as a win.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


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