


N++ is a fast-paced, action-packed puzzle platformer set in the distant future. You play as a ninja, darting through obstacles, narrowly evading a slew of inadvertently homicidal enemy robots and collecting delicious gold in a minimalist, sci-fi world.N++ is all about smooth physics, deftly controlling the speed and inertia of the ninja,and the awesome feeling of fluidly moving through each level. It's bursting with hundreds of single player and multiplayer levels, each featuring a series of difficult challenges, diabolical traps and a distinct visual style to nimbly soar through.If that...



N++ is a fast-paced, action-packed puzzle platformer set in the distant future. You play as a ninja, darting through obstacles, narrowly evading a slew of inadvertently homicidal enemy robots and collecting delicious gold in a minimalist, sci-fi world.N++ is all about smooth physics, deftly controlling the speed and inertia of the ninja,and the awesome feeling of fluidly moving through each level. It's bursting with hundreds of single player and multiplayer levels, each featuring a series of difficult challenges, diabolical traps and a distinct visual style to nimbly soar through.If that...

Metanet Software Inc.
Metanet Software Inc.
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Platinum++ (Platinum): You are literally a ninja.
Using your Head (Bronze): Die by hitting the ceiling too hard.
Tutorial Master (Gold): Get all the gold in the Solo Introduction.
Novice (Bronze): Beat the entire top row of Solo Episodes.
Adept (Silver): Beat the entire middle row of Solo Episodes.
Master (Gold): Beat the entire bottom row of Solo Episodes.
Ninja (Gold): Beat the entire expert row of Solo Episodes.
No-Death Novice (Bronze): Beat a Solo Episode from the top row without dying..
No-Death Adept (Silver): Beat a Solo Episode from the middle row without dying.
No-Death Master (Gold): Beat a Solo Episode from the bottom row without dying.
All-Gold Novice (Bronze): Earn an All-Gold Badge in a Solo Episode from the top row.
All-Gold Adept (Silver): Earn an All-Gold Badge in a Solo Episode from the middle row.
All-Gold Master (Gold): Earn an All-Gold Badge in a Solo Episode from the bottom row.
Co-operation Makes It Happen (Silver): Beat an entire column of Co-op episodes.
Speedy (Bronze): Beat an entire column of Race episodes.
Rocket Murder Time (Silver): Kill another player using a rocket 5 times in a single MP Race episode.
Memories (Bronze): Beat an entire column of Race Legacy episodes.
Nostalgia (Silver): Beat an entire column of Solo Legacy episodes.
Good Times (Gold): Beat an entire column of Co-op Legacy episodes.
Voyeur (Bronze): Watch a highscore replay.

Additionally there are seven secret trophies.

You Suck But That's Okay (Bronze): Die during the solo introduction.
Practice Makes Perfect (Bronze): Die 100 times.
More Practice Makes More Perfect (Silver): Die 1000 times.
Perfection is Overrated Anyway (Gold): Die 5000 times.
Achieve Enlightenment (Bronze): Explore the Options menu.
Perseverance (Bronze): Triumph over adversity.
Death from All of the Above (Bronze): Die in every possible way.


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