Mado Monogatari: Fia and the Wondrous Academy

Mado Monogatari: Fia and the Wondrous Academy

Mado Monogatari: Fia and the Wondrous Academy

Embark on an adventure with Fia and her classmates as they explore the mysteries of the Ancient Magic Academy and uncover the legends of The Great Mage!

The Ancient Magic Academy, with a long, storied past, is known as the place where The Great Mage learned and graduated. Students study here to become Mages themselves. A girl named Fia, wanting to enroll in the Academy, makes a long arduous journey from her hometown, and manages to get in through her own luck. She now tries her best to get through the many challenges of schoolwork, strict professors, and mysterious...



Mado Monogatari: Fia and the Wondrous Academy

Embark on an adventure with Fia and her classmates as they explore the mysteries of the Ancient Magic Academy and uncover the legends of The Great Mage!

The Ancient Magic Academy, with a long, storied past, is known as the place where The Great Mage learned and graduated. Students study here to become Mages themselves. A girl named Fia, wanting to enroll in the Academy, makes a long arduous journey from her hometown, and manages to get in through her own luck. She now tries her best to get through the many challenges of schoolwork, strict professors, and mysterious...


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