In Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society, there exists a mystifying maze overflowing with treasure… discover what lurks in the labyrinth's mysterious depths. This dungeon-exploring adventure is filled with over 50 hours of labyrinth to traverse and a witch brigade custom made into your very own unstoppable monster-fighting force!
As the spirit dwelling inside the Lanterne de Fantasmagorie, you'll set out under the direction of Madame Marta to explore the underground labyrinth and find the Curios that lie buried beneath Galleria Manor.
This very story is only the...
In Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society, there exists a mystifying maze overflowing with treasure… discover what lurks in the labyrinth's mysterious depths. This dungeon-exploring adventure is filled with over 50 hours of labyrinth to traverse and a witch brigade custom made into your very own unstoppable monster-fighting force!
As the spirit dwelling inside the Lanterne de Fantasmagorie, you'll set out under the direction of Madame Marta to explore the underground labyrinth and find the Curios that lie buried beneath Galleria Manor.
This very story is only the...