Hunting Simulator 2

Hunting Simulator 2

Hunting Simulator 2

Hunting Simulator 2 sets the standard for console hunting! New and improved with fully revamped animal AI, more than 65 fully licensed weapons, and 60 plus pieces of equipment to be used in beautiful outdoor environments. Give commands to your true-to-life companion hunting dog. Track animals in massive open-world maps crafted to make you feel like you're really in the hunt! Try one of three different hunting styles from stand hunting, traditional hunting, and waterfowl hunting. Practice your skills in the shooting range and earn money to buy new gear.


Hunting Simulator 2

Hunting Simulator 2 sets the standard for console hunting! New and improved with fully revamped animal AI, more than 65 fully licensed weapons, and 60 plus pieces of equipment to be used in beautiful outdoor environments. Give commands to your true-to-life companion hunting dog. Track animals in massive open-world maps crafted to make you feel like you're really in the hunt! Try one of three different hunting styles from stand hunting, traditional hunting, and waterfowl hunting. Practice your skills in the shooting range and earn money to buy new gear.

Maximum Games
Release Date (US)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Hunting Simulator 2 (PlayStation 4). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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