"What is the Death end re;Quest series?" A thrilling RPG in which a group of young people traverse a world tainted by bugs, death threatening them at every turn as they confront mysteries and danger. It is packed with despair-inducing Death Ends written by Makoto Kedouin, acclaimed writer of Corpse Party. With character designer, Kei Nanameda, and scenario supervisor, Makoto Kedouin, writer for Corpse Party, back for the third installment of the Death end re;Quest series, where a new protagonist, Sayaka Hiwatari, enters a story of parallel universes where she is unable to decipher who's a...
"What is the Death end re;Quest series?" A thrilling RPG in which a group of young people traverse a world tainted by bugs, death threatening them at every turn as they confront mysteries and danger. It is packed with despair-inducing Death Ends written by Makoto Kedouin, acclaimed writer of Corpse Party. With character designer, Kei Nanameda, and scenario supervisor, Makoto Kedouin, writer for Corpse Party, back for the third installment of the Death end re;Quest series, where a new protagonist, Sayaka Hiwatari, enters a story of parallel universes where she is unable to decipher who's a...