Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3




Cheat Codes/Hints

"Shadows Of Evil" Skip rounds

Use the following trick to advance to rounds 5, 10, or 15 without killing any zombies. When starting, you will spawn in a narrow alleyway. From this position, face the junction and look at the walkway above to find the Shadow Man. Hit the Shadow Man five times with your default weapon or any other wall weapon to advance to round 5 with some points scored. You can shoot him five more times if desired to advance to round-10, also with more points. You can shoot him five times again to advance to round 15, also with more points, however he will now be gone.

"Shadows Of Evil": Gobblegum flavors

Gobblegum is dispensed by a vending machine and provides temporary boosts. Gobblegum vending machines can be found in each of the three districts and are used by spending points. However, the machines will not work all the time and will dispense flavors randomly. Before starting a match, you can customize the Gobblegum flavors which will appear by selecing the "Gobblegum Packs" option. As you level up, you will unlock additional flavors. The available flavors and effects are as follows.

How to unlock

Awakening: Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

How to unlock

Cheat Codes

Enter the Data Vault and highlight the "S" logo that normally allows access to "Dead Ops Arcade 2". Hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 and press Square + Triangle to display a hidden code entry menu. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.


Dead Ops Arcade 2

Complete mission 2, "New World" in Campaign mode. You can now enter the safe house whenever desired. Use the data terminal inside the safe house and press the hidden button at the top left corner to access Dead Ops Arcade 2.

Easy "Another Side of the Story" trophy

In addition to completing the campaign, you must watch the ending credits in their entirety.

Eclipse: Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

How to unlock

Multiplayer bonuses

Reach the indicated level in multi-player mode to unlock the corresponding bonus. Note: at level 1, you will already have Ruin Specialist, Outrider Specialist, Prophet Specialist, Battery Specialist, UAV Scorestreak, Hellstorm Scorestreak, Talon Scorestreak, Kuda SMG, VMP SMG, KN-44 Assault Rifle, XR-2 Assault Rifle, KRM-262 Shotgun, 205 Brecci Shotgun, BRM LMG, Dingo LMG, Locus Sniper Rifle, Drakon Sniper Rifle, MR6 Pistol, XM-53 Launcher, Frag Lethal, Concussion Tactical, Afterburner Perk 1, Sixth Sense Perk 1, Blind Eye Perk 1, Fast Hands Perk 2, Ante Up Perk 2, Hard Wired Perk 2, Gung-Ho Perk 3, Blast Suppressor Perk 3, and Awareness Perk 3.


Nightmare mode

Successfully complete the campaign.


The following perks are available.

Perk 1
Afterburner: Reduce recharge time for Thrusters.
Blind Eye: Undetectable by enemy air support.
Flak Jacket: Take less damage from enemy explosives and flames.
Ghost: Avoid detection by enemy UAV while moving, planting, and defusing bombs; or while controlling scorestreaks.
Overclock: Earn Specialist Weapon or Specialist Ability faster.
Sixth Sense: Display mini-map indicator with the direction of nearby enemies.

Perk 2
Ante Up: Spawn with starting bonus to scorestreak meter.
Cold Blooded: Cannot be targeted by ground-based AI scorestreaks and immune to Thermal Optics.
Fast Hands: Swap weapons faster and aim faster after sprinting. Can also reset the fuse when throwing back frag grenades.
Hard Wired: Immune to Counter-UAV, Power Core, EMP Grenade, and Smoke Screen. Cannot trigger Trip Mines, Shock Charges, or C4. Reduce digital imprint against enemy Tracker and Sixth Sense Perks.
Scavenger: Replenish ammunition and equipment from enemies killed by non-explosive weapons.
Tracker: See a digital imprint of enemy footsteps.

Perk 3
Awareness: Enemy movements are easier to hear.
Blast Suppressor: No mini-map signature when thrust jumping. Thruster sound is suppressed.
Dead Silence: Move silently.
Engineer: Show enemy equipment and scorestreaks. Re-roll and booby trap Care Packages.
Gung-Ho: Hip-fire your weapon, deploy equipment, and throw grenades while sprinting.
Tactical Mask: Reduce the effects of Flashbangs, Concussions, and Shock Charges.



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