The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (PlayStation 3). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

"Silent Roll" anytime

In first-person view (can also be done in third-person, but requires more precision or different technique), crouch and hold L2. Begin moving in the direction you want to roll then press Square. This will result in a quick and silent roll forward as described in the "Silent Roll" perk for the Sneak Skill Tree regardless if you have attained the perk or not. This is an advantage as the "Silent Roll" perk, while useful, is rather high up on the Sneak Skill Tree therefore utilizing the aforementioned is practical for those not privy to a high sneak skill. To perform the trick in third-person view repeat the process, but will sometimes not connect and can only be performed when your sword is sheathed prior to rolling.

Become a werewolf

Go to the city of Whiterun. Move through the town until you reach Dragonsreach, which is the castle. While standing on the steps looking at the doors to Dragonsreach, look to your right. There should be a building that resembles a ship's hull. This is where the Companions are located. Go and join them. After a few quests you are given the chance to become a werewolf. To use your new ability, go to "Magic", then "Powers", then "Beast Form". Beast Form can be used once a day. You will turn into a werewolf and friendly humans will attack you. You will have increased speed, health, damage, and stamina. You cannot pick up objects. If you kill a human you can "Feed" on the corpse to regain some health and extend the duration of Beast Form. This is also useful for traveling great distances on foot. When the werewolf sprints, it runs on all fours, and moves much faster than a horse. The werewolf's stamina also regenerates very quickly.

Creating Daedric armor

Created by sjcboarder13.


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Dragon tomb location

Use a shout in front of a guard (not a dangerous one). A courier will deliver a letter from a "friend", giving you the location of another dragon tomb.


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