Two Worlds II

Two Worlds II

Two Worlds II

Return to the vast world of Antaloor in Two Worlds II. Building upon the original game, Two Worlds II offers the willing adventurer a unique and thrilling RPG experience unrivalled in current RPG landscape. Two Worlds II features a completely new game engine pushing hardware to its limits, as well as a revised combat system, new enemies, improved animations and an enhanced AI. This combined with the extremely detailed, interactive environment will be sure to make Two Worlds II a must-have title for RPG fans


Two Worlds II

Return to the vast world of Antaloor in Two Worlds II. Building upon the original game, Two Worlds II offers the willing adventurer a unique and thrilling RPG experience unrivalled in current RPG landscape. Two Worlds II features a completely new game engine pushing hardware to its limits, as well as a revised combat system, new enemies, improved animations and an enhanced AI. This combined with the extremely detailed, interactive environment will be sure to make Two Worlds II a must-have title for RPG fans

Reality Pump, TopWare Interactive
Reality Pump
Role-Playing > Action RPG
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus codes

Select the "Bonus Code" option, then enter one of the following codes to get the corresponding item.

Anathros sword: 6770-8976-1634-9490
Black Legion Axe: 1775-3623-3298-1928 or 4802-6468-2848-6286
Dragon scale armor: 4149-3083-9823-6545 or 9199-0035-9610-2338
Elexorien two-handed sword: 3542-3274-8350-6064 or 4677-1553-6730-1272
Hammer: 6231-1890-4345-5988
Lucienda sword: 9122-5287-3591-0927 or 6624-0989-0879-6383
Scroll bonus map: 6972-5760-7685-8477 or 8233-3296-3311-2976
Labyrinth map: 1797-3432-7753-9254
Two-handed hammer: 3654-0091-3399-0994

Cheat Codes

Hold L1 + R2 then press Start, Up, Start, Down to display the console window. Enter twoworldscheats as a code to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheats will prevent trophies from being unlocked.


Debug Menu Codes

During the game, hold L1 + R1 and press START, UP (D-pad), START, DOWN (D-pad). You should see the debug menu appear. Enter the following codes for the desired effect. NOTE: Disables Trophies.

Activation Code
AddExperiencePoints X - Experience points, where X is a number between 0 and 255
Add Experience Points
Addgold X - Gold, where X is a number between 0 and 255
Add Gold
AddSkillPoints X - Skill points, where X is a number between 0 and 255
Add Skill Points
GOD X - Toggle God Mode, , where X is a number is 0 or 1
God Mode
ec.dbg iamcheater
Set attributes to 1000
ec.dbg skills
Unlock all Skills

Inventory items

Use one of the following entries with the create code.

Quest Items

Mage spell tricks

The following tricks can be done with mage spells.

Double Missile Slots
Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.

1. Row 1: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, homing modifier. Press Square on missile carrier card.
2. Row 2: Altar carrier, time modifier, press Square button on altar Carrier card.
3. Row 3: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, spray modifier.
4. Row 1: Add missile carrier.
5. Row 2: Press Square on time modifier card.
6. You should notice that the slots move together and your spell has two missile slots.

Infinite Health
Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.

1. Row 1: Life effect card x10, area effect carrier, time modifier, protection modifier, damage modifier.
2. While fighting make sure you have this spell on before you enter the fight. When you run out of HP you will auto-resurrect and the spell will stay active.

Adventure PvPing
Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.

1. Row 1: Power effect card, missile carrier, homing modifier.
2. Row 2: (Offensive) effect card, damage modifier, trap carrier.
3. When you or a friend walks over a trap it will explode and hurt them.

Invisible Death
Make these spells and cast them together in order.

1. Spell Amulet 1: (Offensive) effect card, area effect carrier, time modifier, damage modifier.
2. Spell Amulet 2: Air effect card, enchant carrier, time modifier
3. Run near enemies and they will die with the effect and cannot see you.


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Information provided on this website is for educational and personal use only. As we are unable to test every cheat code/hint that we provide, please use them at your own risk.