3D Dot Game Heroes

3D Dot Game Heroes

3D Dot Game Heroes

Did you grow up on 8-bit classics and frequently find yourself craving an old school gaming fix? Then 3D Dot Game Heroes is for you. Are you easily swayed by nostalgia, by things that take you back to an earlier time and/or place? 3D Dot Game Heroes is your perfect gaming match. Are you an older, more grizzled gamer who'd like to be able to educate a younger player in your family on what you cut your teeth on? You can probably see where this is going.


3D Dot Game Heroes

Did you grow up on 8-bit classics and frequently find yourself craving an old school gaming fix? Then 3D Dot Game Heroes is for you. Are you easily swayed by nostalgia, by things that take you back to an earlier time and/or place? 3D Dot Game Heroes is your perfect gaming match. Are you an older, more grizzled gamer who'd like to be able to educate a younger player in your family on what you cut your teeth on? You can probably see where this is going.

Silicon Studio, Atlus
Silicon Studio
Role-Playing > Action RPG
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Alternate Ending: The Princess and the Fairies

There's a missing princess in Dotnia, but you won’t be able to save her unless you follow these careful steps. You can begin this sidequest just after completing the Wind temple -- and BEFORE returning to Dotnia Castle to meet with the sages. Stock up on keys at Jim's Shack -- two of each color (Red, Blue and Green). Head west from the Shack and cross the small stream. Look at your minimap to see a red pixel along the cliff wall -- step onto the pixel to teleport to a new area with a special treasure: the Anchor Rod.

You can use this extended grappling hook to reach the island in the circular lake to the south. Make the long trek to this lake via a path leading west from the desert. Grapple over to the island and blow open the door. Spend three more keys in the mini dungeon and, at the far end you'll find a second fairy friend.

With your two pixie pals in tow you can now seek out a similar cave in the far north. The entrance to this one can be found a few screens to the southeast of Hotel Nialliv in the swamp. At the end of this cave you'll find a third fairy -- but it turns out that this one's the Princess. Head back to the castle to return the lovely lady to her digs.

With the Princess returned, things go a bit differently in the following cutscenes. The ending is different too!

Alternate title screen

Successfully complete the game.

Alternate Title Screen

Beat the game once on any difficulty.

Alternate walking animation

Pause game play, then press L1, R1, L1, R1, L1(2), R1(2), Square.

Anchor Rod

Required: Wire Rod

Use your Wire Rod to cross to the mountain range in the northeast corner of the world map. Instead of moving west to Joe's Shack (the Inn), move east. Use the Wire Rod to cross the small river and walk along the cliff fast heading east. You'll come to an area with some enemies and a ridged northern cliff face. Examine this cliff face on your minimap. Between two of the ridges you should be able to make out a red pixel in the second nook from the right.

Stand on the red pixel to warp to a new location. Here you'll find a chest with the Anchor Rod. You can use this to access previously out of reach areas -- like the upper right hand corner of the map!

Beam Sword

Required: Swamp Boots.

In the swamp between Hotel Nialliv and the final dungeon, head north to find two neat rows of trees. Search between these trees to find the Mirror of Truth. Head to the Hotel Nialliv and talk to the boy in the top right area. He'll tell you to lift some curses with the Mirror. You must talk to cats and dogs in and around each town AND inn to return them to human form (and the blob in Raejack Village who becomes a human). Once you return all the animals (about six) to human form, talk to the boy in the Hotel Nialliv to receive the Beam Sword.

Block Defense bonus levels

Get the Light Orb, then talk to the cat in the far northwest corner of Dotnia Castle's first floor.


At the pause menu:

up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle
Hide Shield
L1 R1 L1 R1 L1 L1 R1 R1 Square
Turn of charater's walking sway.

Gold Farming

Required: Wire Rod.

In the southwest heath area, just north of the graveyard, you'll encounter blue Zombies that drop gold pieces (worth 100G!) with reasonable frequency. There's a fairy fountain in a cave down here as well. To the east of the fairy fountain you can move between areas, thus causing the enemies to respawn. Travel north and south between areas (or in and out of the fairy fountain if you wish) and kill these enemies to line your pockets with G.

Required: Swamp Boots.

In the swamp between Hotel Nialliv and the final dungeon are a number of Zombies and Blue Centaurs that tend to drop gold pieces (worth 100G). Enter the final dungeon to make these enemies respawn for easy pickens'.

Hero's Shield

You'll need at least 4000G before you attempt this sidequest. After beating the Wind Temple you should be packing the Flame Shield. Talk to Dic in Raejack Village to upgrade the Flame Shield to the Bolt Shield. This will run you 1000G. Bolt Shield in hand, head to Jim's Shack in the northwest mountains. Talk to the mustachioed dude to purchase one of each key type: Red, Blue and Green. These will cost you 1000G a piece.

With a pocket full of keys, hightail it over to the northern swamp. To the west of the Dark Tower is a cracked wall which you can blow open with a bomb. Make your way to the end of the mini-dungeon to find an adventurer that's interested in your crummy Bolt Shield. Trade him for the Hero Shield.



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