Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII

In Final Fantasy XIII, you will embark on a journey through the cityworld of Cocoon and the outerworld of Pulse. Along the way, you will encounter diverse allies who will fight alongside you. Execute powerful attacks with weapons and magic, and summon the enigmatic Eidolons with an evolved Active Time Battle system. Experience seamless transitions between real time gameplay and in-game cinematics. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?


Final Fantasy XIII

In Final Fantasy XIII, you will embark on a journey through the cityworld of Cocoon and the outerworld of Pulse. Along the way, you will encounter diverse allies who will fight alongside you. Execute powerful attacks with weapons and magic, and summon the enigmatic Eidolons with an evolved Active Time Battle system. Experience seamless transitions between real time gameplay and in-game cinematics. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?

Square Enix
Square Enix
Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Angry or tired character

When not in a battle, quickly move the Analog-stick Left and Right repeatedly. Character will become angry or tired.

Capped Weapon experience equation

This is an equation to understand how much experience you will need to spend to get any weapon capped at its current level.

n = Increase your weapon will grow after every level obtain. For example, at level 1 to 2 you need 1,000 experience. From level 2 to 3 you need 1,125 exp. n = 1125 minus 1000, which in this case is 125. So n for this weapon would equal 125.
x = The total number of levels you will need to cap (Star) your weapon. For example, from 1 to 21 (Star) for Tier 1 weapons requires 20 levels (21-1=20).
b = The base experience that your weapon has. For example, Axis Blade at level one needs 1,000 experience to reach level 2. 1,000 is the base experience.
The equation is as follows to determine how much experience it will cost to cap your weapon.

(xn-n)(x/2)+bx = Total experience to cap a weapon.

An easier way to consider this is x times n minus n. Then multiply that value by x divided by 2. Then, add b times x.

Changing options before Boss battle

Just as the cutscene before a Boss battle ends, press [Menu]. The menu screen will appear, allowing you to reconfigure paradigms, weapons, etc.

CP Farming in Chapter 11

There are two good places to level up your Crystarium when you come into the Archelyte Steppe in the beginning of Ch. 11. The first one can be found in the Southwest Corner of the main map, the Western Benchland. South of the pond, there is a peninsula where little birdlike characters mass around. At first this seems like an intimidating battle, considering that the enemies will summon characters making the battles very long. However, this can be remedied, if you have 3 of the following four characters: Lightning, Fang, Snow, and Sazh. You'll only really need the following paradigms: Commando x3 / Commando x2+Ravager / Commando x2+Medic / Sentinel+Commando+Medic / Sentinel+Medicx2. Set the base mode on Commando x3 and go into battle.

If you're able to get behind them it makes the battles all that much easier. Once you get the hang of things, you'll learn their pattern and be able to get them more often than not in a surprise attack. Have your leader, whomever you choose to have it attack with Ruinaga, followed by blitz. The Ruinaga will toss them into the air a tiny bit and hit multiple targets in a wide radius. The blitz should hit the same amount of people. Your support characters should attack with Blitz, Blitz, and then standard attack. The Ruinaga spell is important because it keeps the baddies from being able to mass a constant attack on you as well as keeping them unable to summon whoever they are going to bring into the battle. CP ranges from 2000 to 3500 for your 35-45 seconds of effort. If you're having a hard time, try Commando x2 + Ravager, and you may be able to juggle them a little, but the commandos really shred HP in this fight.

The second method should be undertaken when you've gotten more HP and strength, since the fights will be harder. North of the first point, there is a place where the big wolf and a behemoth are fighting. Hit them. Concentrate first on the Behemoth and take him out. Don't kill the wolf, since he's your buffer from being behemoth's lunch. Take them out, 6000+CP. Then turn around, jump down to the west and take out the 3 groups of wolfs for 2000-3000 CP. Repeat this and you'll have tons of CP in no time.

CP Farming in Chapter 8

Right at the clocktower in the park, you'll find a chest with five of those little robots running around it. You can beat them up for 640 cp and loop back to the prior chest area (with one of the monsters) and the group of five will respawn.


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