Fallout: New Vegas
Cheat Codes/Hints
Dead Money: Trophies
- Assemble Your Crew (Bronze)
- Recruited Dead Domino, Christine and Dog.
- Confronted Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
- Completed the Sierra Madres Gala Event.
- Safety Deposit Box (Gold)
- Trapped Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
- Sierra Souvenir Aficionado (Silver)
- Collected 500 Sierra Madre Chips.
Easy "Outstanding Orator" trophy
When your Speech is at 40, go to Camp Golf, by Lake Las Vegas. Accept the quest from the sergeant. Agree to O'Hanran's method and convince everyone, with Mags being the last. After convincing Mags to play nice, accept her method and go to the gun range. Help them with their guns (45 skill required), and wait for them to start walking back to their tent. Talk to Razz and ask about squadmates. The speech challenge should still be there. You can easily unlock the "Outstanding Orator" trophy, as well as experience points in increments of 40. When you are done, talk to the sergeant to complete the quest or talk to O'Hanran and ask about the squad. Note: You have the option of helping them with explosives after the guns.
Easy caps
If you lose in any of the gambling games and then reload your saved game, the game will force you to wait 30 seconds to prevent you from cheating. However, there is a way around it. When you are at the slot machines, do not exit slot machine mode to reload your game when you lose. Instead, once the wheel stops spinning and your results are shown, pause the game and reload your saved game. As long as you do not exit slot machine mode before reloading, you will not be forced to wait 30 seconds after reloading. To make easy money, try the slot machine at its maximum of 200 tokens. Never try more than twice at a time. If you lose both spins, just reload your saved game. If you win one of the two times, save your game and continue. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
In Guardian Peak, you will meet an NCR soldier who is wounded. Through some Speech checks, you can get him to give you his gun for escorting him out of the cave that he is in. When you get to the entrance of the cave with him in tow, he will speak, and you can keep asking him for his rifle, which he will give you along with ammunition. Note: This is best done after getting the perk that allows for over encumbered fast travel.
Easy experience
This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level and neutral or friendly with NCR. Go to Camp McCarran, and talk to Sergeant Bitter-Root. You should be able to find him in one of the tents. Ask him about his name, and then there will be an option for a 30 Speech skill level attempt. You can keep saying "Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.", and each time you say it, you can do the Speech attempt again. Simply say "Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.", do the Speech attempt, ask to talk about something else, and then repeat the process as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level or the "Confirmed Bachelor" perk and friendly with NCR. Go to HELIOS One, and the woman should automatically talk to you. Once she allows you access to HELIOS One, you should be able to start the "That Lucky Old Sun" mission. Proceed with the mission, and talk to Fantastic and Ignacio Rivas. While talking to Rivas, make sure you get him to reveal that he is a Follower of the Apocalypse by using Speech or Confirmed Bachelor, and agree with his ideals about peace or say you are neutral. Do the mission regularly until you get to the point where you activate the Mainframe Terminal. Configure the Power Grid to "5. Full Region (Emergency Output Level)". Finish the mission by hitting the Reflector Control Panel outside on top of the tower. Go back to Ignacio Rivas, and choose the "I overloaded the plant. No one....." option. That option will never disappear. Keep selecting that option to get 350 XP, 3 Stimpacks, and 2 Doctor's Bags.
If your Speech skill level is 50 or higher, you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local bar. You will get 61 XP each time you complete this Speech Challenge. If you follow him back to the bar afterwards and wait until he sits down, you can speak to him again and repeat the same Speech Challenge as many times as desired. You can find Old Ben sitting by a fire close to The King headquarters in Freeside.
This glitch requires a high Speech skill level and 8 Intelligence skill level. Go to the Camp McCarran Terminal building inside Camp McCarran. Talk to the guy at the far end of the building, in the left corner. He is the leader and gives you multiple quests. Accept the interrogation quest, then go meet the woman upstairs to start the quest. When you get in the room to talk to Sirus, pick the "Intelligence" option first, the "Speech" option next, and then the "Intelligence" option. Any of the three "Intelligence" options work. Then, select the "Speech" option (which should now be grayed out), and cycle through the "Intelligence" options. You will get 50 XP every time you cycle through the options.
Go to Vault 11, and you will get a quest to find out what happened there. Once you get the overseer's passcode and enter it into her computer, you will be led to the "sacrificial chamber". Use a Stealthboy to get past everyone, and when the walls on the left open (as you walk in), go into the door and access the computer mainframe. You will be given three options, "Override" and "Download" for two conversations. Select the second download to get 500 XP. Do not exit the mainframe. Just keep selecting that option to get 500 XP each time. Repeat this as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 35 Barter skill level. Go to Cottonwood Cove (in the southeast corner of the map alongside the river). You will meet a man named Aurelius of Phoenix (he sometimes wanders out of the camp). Speak to him, and choose to barter with his camp for ammunition and supplies. Select this option will get you 35 XP. Keep selecting that option to get 35 XP each time. Repeat this as many times as desired.
This glitch requires a 35 Medicine skill level. Once you gain access to the main strip, find Victor outside the Lucky 38 Casino. He will tell you that Mr. House wants to meet you. Follow him inside, and go up the elevator. Speak with Mr. House (the giant television face that looks like Howard Hughes). Find the dialogue choice pertaining to needing to ask him a few questions. Then, ask "Who exactly are you, Mr. House?", and choose "You appear to be a computer, not a man". Next, select the Medicine skill check response, "The lifespan you're claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super mutants." You will then get 35 XP (or 39 XP if you have the Swift Learner perk). You can repeat this as many times as desired.
Gamble in a casino, and play roulette. You will get 100 XP no matter if you win or lose.
Easy experience points
Gamble in a casino and play roulette. No matter if you win or lose, you will gain 100 experience points.
Easy Hacking, Speech, and Stealing bonuses
Save the game before starting a dialogue with a Speech bonus, hacking a computer, lock picking, or pick pocketing. Then, simply reload the game if you fail the challenge.
Easy kills
Purchase or find the Anti-Material Rifle. Then, equip it with incendiary rounds. Target an enemy or enemies with it in VATS, then close VATS. You will not use any ammunition, but they will still be on fire and lose health. You will not aggro enemies or friendlies. Also, you will not lose Karma or Reputation with each kill. This glitch is very useful if you need to kill a NCR/Legion that has a weapon or item on them. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
Easy Speech
This glitch requires a 20 Speech skill level. Talk to the 10 of Spades in Camp McCarren. You may first need to find out about Corporal Betsy's trauma. Start a dialogue with him, and select "I heard about what happened to Corporal Betsy", then "Tell me what happened". The next options will be the Speech Check or "If you were unconscious, how could you have done anything?" Do the Speech Check, and then the other option will be the only one available except "Never mind". After you select the unconscious option, the Speech Check will be available again, but grayed out. However, you can still keep pressing X, and they will alternate. Even though the Speech Check is grayed out, it still counts as a pass.
Easy stealing
Find a place to hide that is out of the line of sight of all surrounding NPC's, and save the game. Then, pick up an item by pressing R3, and drag it to your hiding spot. Once it says you are "hidden", press X to add it to your inventory. If you lose any Karma, reload your saved game, and try again. A good place to do this trick at is Gloria Van Graff's energy weapons shop in Silver Rush, Freeside. You can do this with any of the items on the counter, and there is a hiding spot on the back side of the room.
Enemies catch on fire without firing weapon
Use the .50 machine gun incendiary ammunition on the anti-materiel rifle. Target an enemy with V.A.T.S. The enemy will catch on fire, even if you do not fire the weapon.