Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Leliana's Song DLC Trophies

There are 3 Bronze Trophies.

Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur
Turning Point
Heard Lelian's version of her betrayal
Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams

Mass Effect reference

You can find a book in the Orzammar underground section "The Dead Trenches", near the "Legionnaire Shrine" at the end of a broken bridge. The book is called "Load Limit Reached". The first line reads "'Mass will have an effect," he says. It mentions a Dwarf named Shepard, the same name as the main character of Mass Effect.

Monty Python And The Search for the Holy Grail reference

During travel on the world map, you have a chance of encountering a group of people around a stump, claiming that if you pull it out, you are destined to become king of Thedas. This prompts banter between them. "Pulling a drunken loggers axe out of stump is hardly something to base a system of government off of." and "He must be a king."; "Why do you say that?"; "Because he doesn't have dung all over him." This is a reference from the beginning of Monty Python And The Search For The Holy Grail.

Ostagar: Extra backpack

Upon arriving at Ostagar, purchase the Backpack from the Quartermaster. Note: You should have enough money if you collected sell-able items and gear from the beginning storyline. Complete the quest where you and the other recruits enter into the Wilds. Note: Make sure you explore the entire map. Complete the "Joining" ritual and become a Grey Warden. Before going to attend the meeting with Duncan and the King, return to the Quartermaster. There should be another Backpack available at the same price as earlier.

Pick up items during battle

Usually during battle you cannot pick up items. However, if you go within range of the item or corpse, open your radial menu by holding L2 and center it on the item or corpse and press X, when you let go of L2, the pick up box will appear. This can be helpful if you are in need of poultices and a dead enemy may have one on them.

Portal reference

Note: You must have Sten in your party for this to work. At the end of the game, if you choose to perform the ritual with Morrigan, you will go to the crowning of the new king or queen. After the dialogue with Alistair you can walk around and speak with your companions. Find Sten and he will say "Where is the cake? They promised there would be cake. The cake is a lie..."

Redcliffe: Possessed child

Eventually once you reach Redcliffe, there will be an option to enter the boy, aside from killing him and confronting the demon inside of the boy. Do not kill the boy. You will not gain much from his death and most likely your allies will disapprove. Instead, choose the option to enter the boy and let the Blood Mage do his ritual. Once you are inside, talk to the father. Once this is done, you must talk to the child "Possessed" and kill the demon inside him multiple times. Once you reach a certain part where you do not talk to the child, but the demon straightforward, try to converse with her. Conversing with her will get you more than just killing her. She will request that in exchange for her life, and the permission to enter the boy's body again in the near future, she will offer you gifts. One is a new specialization. Another is a certain rare item, armor, or weapon. Finally, is pleasure. Pleasure should not be an option, as it does not give you anything in exchange, not even an intimate scene. Select either the item or the specialization. However if you truly do not want to obtain anything useful, kill her. Killing her alone results in the same experience you would get from killing the boy, not to mention the previous times you have also killed her.

Secret Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

How to unlock

Specialization classes

Note: Specialization points are obtained at levels 7 and 14.

Assassin: Learn from Zevran (companion) when approval is high enough; or bought from Alarith's Store (Denerim, after Landsmeet starts).
Bard: Learn from Leliana (companion) when approval is high enough; or Alimar (Orzammar).
Duelist: Learn from Isabela (The Pearl in Denerim) if your DEX is high enough to catch her cheating and make her teach you.
Ranger: Learn from Bodann's Wares (Party Camp).

Arcane Warrior: In the "Nature of the Beast" quest line, you will find a place in Brecilian Ruins where a spirit is trapped inside something. Set the spirit free and ask it to teach you the specialization.
Blood Mage: In "Arl of Redcliffe" quest line, choose to go into the Fade. Instead of killing the Desire Demon, negotiate with her. When given a reward, choose to learn Blood Magic.
Shapeshifter: Learn from Morrigan (companion) when approval is high enough; or Varathorn (Dalish Camp).
Spirit Healer: Learn from Wynne (companion); or manual from Wanders of Thedas in Denerim (after Landsmeet starts).

Berserker: Learn from Oghren (companion) when approval is high enough; or manual bought from Gorim at Denerim Market.
Champion: Choose to accept reward form Arl Eamon after completing the "Sacred Urn Of Ashes" quest line.
Reaver: Meet with Kolgrim in the Wyrmling Lair just before the mountain top and help him with his task. Pour dragon's blood on the ashes. Note: If Wynne and Leliana are in your party they will join the Guardian in their fight against you.
Templar: Learn from Alistair (companion) when approval is high enough; or Bodahn's Wares (Party Camp).

Superman reference

The following is a random event that happens while traveling on the world map. You will encounter a farmer and his wife who find a baby in a meteor crash, just after it happens. They decide to take the baby and raise it as their own. You will get the Meteor Ore that the baby came in. It can be made into armor by Wade in Denerim. Your best chance of getting this event is from one of the Chantry Board mission in Redcliffe. Travel straight from Redcliffe to Refugees.



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