Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Armed Mages

Mages are not just magic casters, Once you have acquired the Arcane Warrior style you can easily exchange the strength of armor and weapons to wield or wear them for Magic. You can now use spells and a sword. Do not worry about taking physical damage because of the armor. You do not have to keep your distance and use all the spells desired and still get up close with your enemies. Note: This ability is obtained in the "Nature Of The Beast" quest with the Dalish Elves. You must go into the temple and find a vial that seems odd. A short cinematic starts and it speaks to you. After a long series of questioning, it offers to pass on its talents of an arcane warrior to you and your party in exchange for its freedom.

Bonus items

Register an account on the Electronic Arts web site that is linked to your profile in Dragon Age: Origins. Play the Dragon Age Journeys mini-game at www.dragonagejourneys.com. Complete the indicated task in Dragon Age Journeys to unlock the corresponding item in Dragon Age: Origins.

Amulet Of the War Mage: Sign in to your EA account in Dragon Age Journeys.
Embri's Many Pockets: Save the Grey Warden Martine by completing The Missing Warden quest.
Helm Of The Deep: Unlock all five achievements in Dragon Age Journeys: The Deep Roads.

Damaging The Archdemon

When you fight the arch-demon in the last battle you will soon find that it has a massive amount of health. To get good damage to the demon call in whatever allies you have and use them as blocks for your mage or tank and let them die in favor of your own followers. Also use the ballistas - they will deal from 50 to 120 damage on average with every bolt. Use the advanced key and have your followers hold positions by two of the ballista and quickly switch between them to pin the arch-demon down. You will get a moderate amount of health taken down in a good amount of time. It is a good idea to have a rogue with you in case the ballista jam but on casual you do not have to worry about it. Use cold spelly on your mages and cold weapons on your tank and warrior.

Easy "Silver Tongued" trophy

In Orzammar, there is a man in the Chamber of Assembly by the name of Vartag. Speak with him about earning Lord Behlen's trust. He should give you papers that state that Lord Harrowmont sold the same piece of land to two people. After he gives you the papers, go to the Shaperate in the Diamond Quarter. It is at the opposite end of the entrance to the Commons. Once you are in the Shaperate, talk to the Shaperate and give him the papers. He will tell you that they are forged. After that, return to Vartag and tell him the papers are forged. After you have done this, there is a Persuade line in which you can say. You can do this as many times as desired. Note: It helps if you have a high Coercion skill or high Cunning. Also, if you made a Dwarf Commoner, your sister will take you directly to Vartag once you have entered the Diamond Quarter.

Easy experience

To get more experience points earlier in the game, as soon as you leave Lothering, go to the city of Denerim. Once there, you will find a building named "Wonders of Thedas". Go inside it and purchase the Archivist's Belt. As long as it is equipped, you will get an experience point boost for everything in your Codex. Books will increase from 50 experience points to 75 experience points.

Easy money

You can buy two packs from the quartermaster when you begin the Grey Warden Joining (once before you go in the wilds and once you come out). Once you have them, you should have 100 item spaces in your inventory. Collect everything during the main and side quests. When you find a merchant or someone possibly to trade, do it. Keep adding more to your inventory space. A pack is 10 spaces extra, but prices tend to vary from those you buy. The quartermaster in the beginning sells them at the same price. The dwarf merchant that follows your party to camp varies. The quartermaster at The Tower of Magi has one for a heavy price, but it is worth it because you can hold more items and sell more as you see fit. By doing this you can make a lot of coin by mid-game. What you buy and sell depends on the coin you get to carry through the game.

Free Specialization Books

Save the game, then purchase a Specialization Book from a vendor. The message "Specialization Unlocked" will appear. Load your saved game file. You will have regained the gold you spent for the book, but the specialization will still be unlocked.

Free tier 4 mages staff

Use the following trick to get some items and gifts before you leave the castle. When playing as a human noble, after you go to your brother Fergus' room but before you leave, to go to bed ask your dog "Do you see anything interesting?". If he brings nothing back, ask him again. By doing this you will obtain the following items:

Piece of wood, which is a tier 4 mage staff that has a +1 Constitution and +10% Nature Resistance.
Found cake.
Dirty pair of pantaloons.
Tangled ball of yarn
Bottle of Garbolg's backcountry reserve.
Greenstone or elfroot.
Unique but seemingly useless Codex entry.

Increasing approval

Sometimes your party might not care for you or bluntly tells you that they could be off better somewhere else. This can be changed easily. Each item that has "Gift" beside it can be given to a party member. You cannot give one to your own character. For example, some of the demon things that you get in your travels (like the totem or demon statue) can be given to Sten. You will get at least a 5+ approval. Each item varies from person to person. Some are meant more for others. You must learn which item fits what person.

How you choose to talk to a character can determine approval ratings. Some are minor changes, but still will be closer to the liking side or disgusted side however you so choose. The hardest two that you can speak to are Sten and Morhgan. Keep in mind that they can be persuaded. Sometimes the correct words can lead to a loving moment and others to a long argument or a discussion especially for learning about them. That is what takes the longest time. The only one you really never have to worry about is the Mabari of the group, or the dog in most cases. It will love you no matter what and will stay loyal to the end. Give it a treat for being such a good loyal character.

Item set bonuses

Equip the indicated item set to get the corresponding bonus.

Item Set 1: Griffon: Immunity to Flanking
Item Set 2: Effort: -10% Fatigue
Item Set 3: Juggernaut Plate: +3 Strength +3 Constitution
Item Set 4: Imperium Rings: +2 Armor
Item Set 5: Legion of the Dead: +3 Damage +3 Constitution
Item Set 6: Dalish Leather: +5 Defense
Item Set 7: Duster Leather: +2 Armor
Item Set 8: Wade's Drakeskin: -10% Fatigue
Item Set 9: Wade's Dragonskin: -25% Fatigue
Item Set 10: Wade's Dragonscale: -20% Fatigue
Item Set 11: Wade's Dragonbone Plate: -10% Fatigue
Item Set 12: Leather Armor: -5% Fatigue
Item Set 13: Studded Leather Armor: +1 Defense
Item Set 14: Chainmail: -2.5% Fatigue
Item Set 15: Scale Armor: +4.5 Defense vs. Missiles
Item Set 16: Splint Mail: +1 Armor
Item Set 17: Dwarven Medium Armor: +1 Armor
Item Set 18: Ancient Elven Armor: +5 Defense
Item Set 19: Ceremonial Armor: +6 Defense vs. Missiles
Item Set 20: Diligence: +5 Willpower
Item Set 21: Dwarven Heavy Armor: +1 Armor
Item Set 22: Heavy Chainmail: -3% Fatigue
Item Set 23: Chevalier Armor: +3 Willpower +3 Constitution
Item Set 24: Commander's Plate: +5 Willpower
Item Set 25: Dwarven Massive Armor: +2 Armor
Item Set 26: Heavy Plate: +7.5 Defense vs. Missiles
Item Set 27: Wade's Superior Drakeskin: -10% Fatigue +5 Defense
Item Set 28: Wade's Superior Dragonskin: -25% Fatigue +5 Defense
Item Set 29: Wade's Superior Dragonscale: -20% Fatigue +5 Defense
Item Set 30: Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate: -10% Fatigue +5 Defense
Secret: Warden's Commander: +? Health +? Strength
Secret: Armor Of The River Dane Set: +6 Willpower +1 Cunning +6 Attack +4 Defense



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