Gearbox Software has developed revolutionary new technology to create Borderlands incredible layers of gameplay depth. Borderlands features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization.
Gearbox Software has developed revolutionary new technology to create Borderlands incredible layers of gameplay depth. Borderlands features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization.
Gearbox Software has developed revolutionary new technology to create Borderlands incredible layers of gameplay depth. Borderlands features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization.
Gearbox Software has developed revolutionary new technology to create Borderlands incredible layers of gameplay depth. Borderlands features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization.
Gearbox Software
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Cheat Codes/Hints
"Green Thumb" quest
To get the Green Thumb quest, fast travel to the Middle of Nowhere Bounty Board. Get a car from Scooter's and drive to the right. Notice the small shack with big plants around it. Talk to the man leaning against the shack tp get the quest.
Army Of Darkness reference
The Boomstick weapon's description is "Beyond groovy", which is a reference to Ashley's shotgun in Army Of Darkness.
Back To The Future reference
The "1.21 Gigawatts" achievement or trophy's description's name is a reference to Back to the Future.
Berserker Speed Exploit
Make sure you're in a fight with more than one enemy and your health is extremely low (10-20). Activate Berserker just before you enter Fight For Your Life! Mode, then kill someone to gain a Second Wind. If done properly, you should be able to run as fast as Brick can in Berserker mode AND you'll be able to fire your weapons. Note: you're not able to sprint while using this, but why would you need to anyway? Activating his Berserker mode again and finishing it, OR dying will cancel the effect.
Completion bonus
Successfully complete the game to unlock New Game+ mode. In your second session, all the enemies will be very powerful.
Critical hits
To score a critical hit on a human, shoot it in the head. With a sniper rifle this usually kills instantly For a Skag, shoot it in the face when its mouth is open. This varies depending on the type. For the pups, shoot them while they roar at you. For adults, quickly shoot them while they jump at you. For the spitters, shoot their mouths while they fire their poison projectile at you. Critical hits are easiest at close range with a shotgun or scattergun.
Defeating "The Destroyer" Boss
This creature is from another dimension and is massive with a health level to match. This creature is a mountain of flesh with several tentacles that can re-spawn as the battle progresses. It has a blue-lighted cave that seems to be its eye. Most of the tentacles have large glowing orbs about halfway down their length. Shooting the orbs will destroy the tentacles. Start the battle by running toward the creature and then hiding behind a pillar that is located to the right or left just out of range for the tentacle's reach. From here, take out all but one tentacle that you can see easily from that point. Destroy the ones you cannot see easily by peeking around and taking shots at the orbs, but return to your hiding point. This pillar will shield you from missile-like attacks, and later from the eye that shoots a beam weapon. If you get reduced to zero health, you can take out one of the orbs on the tentacle that you can see easily to be revived before you get killed and have to respawn. It is like killing another enemy. This is the reason why you must keep one tentacle. If you do get killed, the creature recovers all health but you will respawn in front of the creature. Once again, you can run to your pillar of protection hiding place. A few times in the battle, the tentacles will spawn and you have to take them out again. The tentacles are the source for the missile-type weapon it attacks with. As you reduce the number of tentacles it also reduces the about of missiles flying at you. With the tentacles nearly gone, you can now focus your attack at the mouth/tongue and its eye for the critical shot. Continue this process when the tentacles respawn. Having weapons that have unlimited ammunition or having ones that create ammo is very useful with the large amount of health level that this Boss has.
Diablo 2 reference
In the Rust Commons West area, near Journal 224 (Hidden Journal quest), a unique Rakk will appear. Its name is Rakkinishu, named after a unique Carver from Diablo 2. Rakkinishu will also drop a shield named the "Cracked Sash", which is a type of item in Diablo 2.
Duplicate items
Start a Co-op mode game. After finding a desired item, drop it on the ground then exit the game without saving it. Have your Co-op partner take the item. Resume the game and you will still see that item on the ground and can collect it. Your Co-op partner can then give you the duplicate item that was previously picked up. This can be repeated as many times as desired.
Easy Escape After Defeating Sledge
After you've defeated Sledge (and collected the artifact), exit and save your game. When you start you're game again you'll begin at the save point at the very beginning of the mission. This way you don't have to backtrack on foot and you'll save a lot of ammo too.