Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

Atelier Escha & Logy is the sequel to Atelier Ayesha. Building upon the mythos introduced in Ayesha,this game features an even more mysterious atmosphere and supernatural environments in order to create a strong sense of the fantastic.Choose between two heroes, who will have different perspectives on events in the game, as well as having unique personal events throughout. This addition, along with a vastly improved combat system and a more in-depth, yet approachable, synthesis system, makes this game is a worthy successor to the Atelier name for players both new and old. Behold the beginning...


Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

Atelier Escha & Logy is the sequel to Atelier Ayesha. Building upon the mythos introduced in Ayesha,this game features an even more mysterious atmosphere and supernatural environments in order to create a strong sense of the fantastic.Choose between two heroes, who will have different perspectives on events in the game, as well as having unique personal events throughout. This addition, along with a vastly improved combat system and a more in-depth, yet approachable, synthesis system, makes this game is a worthy successor to the Atelier name for players both new and old. Behold the beginning...

Tecmo Koei Games
Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



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Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.
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Trophy Completionist (Platinum): All trophies acquired.
Escha's Journey (Bronze): Started Escha's story.
Logy's Journey (Bronze): Started Logy's story.
Escha's Rest (Silver): Completed Escha's story.
Logy's Rest (Silver): Completed Logy's story.
Just Getting Started (Bronze): Cleared and reported 1st term assignment.
You've Got the Hang of It (Bronze): Cleared and reported 2nd term assignment.
The Charm (Bronze): Cleared and reported 3rd term assignment.
Going Forth (Bronze): Cleared and reported 4th term assignment.
Oh (Bronze): You're Halfway There
Moving Right Along (Bronze): Cleared and reported 6th term assignment.
Making Progress (Bronze): Cleared and reported 7th term assignment.
So Close (Bronze): Cleared and reported 8th term assignment.
Terminal Term (Bronze): Cleared and reported 9th term assignment.

Additionally there are thirty nine secret trophies.

Big Eater (Bronze): Witnessed the twilight survival instinct of Escha.
Scars of the Past (Bronze): Learned Logy was greatly injured in a past accident.
To the World's End (Bronze): Saw the "Ends of the Earth" with Awin.
Sad Girls' Association (Bronze): Saw an unexpected side of Threia and Marion.
Promise at the Ruins (Bronze): Fell victim to a classic ruins trap with Reyfer.
A Dropout's Struggle (Bronze): Read a difficult reference book with Lucille.
Let's Get Along (Bronze): Watched Linca's reunion.
I'm a Magician (Bronze): Found out that Wilbell is a real magician.
Please Act like and Adult (Bronze): Witnessed Micie's elegant shopping.
Exciting Treasure Alliance (Bronze): Encountered Katla and Harry's fateful meeting.
Harvest Festival (Bronze): Harvested apples with Nio and Clone.
Like Father (Bronze): Like Son
Great Monster War (Bronze): Watched Duke and Colland's manly struggle.
Eating Contest (Bronze): Participated in Duke's eating contest.
An Atelier for Two (Bronze): Escha and Logy's new life begins.
Powerup Meeting (Bronze): Planned for the future with the development team.
Future Dreams (Bronze): Logy retook his dreams with Escha's support.
Storyteller of Dusk (Silver): Destroyed the giant device used by a girl.
A Smiling Departure (Bronze): Escha saw Logy off with a smile.
Welcome Home (Gold): Fulfilled an important promise.
Over the Hill (Bronze): Journeyed to the Ends of the Earth with Awin.
Deadline Approaching! (Bronze): Helped Threia with her research.
The Thrill of the Hunt (Bronze): Went on a search for treasure with Reyfer and Harry.
Dr. Lucille (Bronze): Medicine Woman
Each With Their Own Strengths (Bronze): Decided to work with Linca and Marion in the development team.
Girls' Association (Silver): Girls' Association.
Men's Association (Silver): Saw the complete men's association.
Journey through the Sky (Bronze): Acquired a worn down air balloon. You became an alchemist of the sky...maybe.
Flying Further (Bronze): Built a basic airship.
Into the Dusk Sky (Bronze): Completed a true airship.
Set in Stone (Bronze): Gathered lithograph fragments.
Leave the Battles to Me (Bronze): Reached combat level 99. Are there any worthy foes left?
I'm an Expert! (Bronze): Reached alchemy level 50. You're now an expert!
A Behemoth Falls (Bronze): Eliminated the behemoth living at the water spring.
Fortress Destroyed (Bronze): Destroyed the Slag guarding the ruins interior.
Sleep (Silver): Dragon King.
Guardian of Unexplored Ruins (Silver): Defeated the giant alchemic creature in the Unexplored Ruins
Salvation (Silver): Saved the girl's soul bound to Geosis.
A Grand Triumph (Gold): Stopped Flameu after she released her true power.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

How to unlock



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