


Have you ever wanted an aquarium but didnt want the hassle of cleaning the tank? Well show off the awesome power of your HD display with Aquatopia. Now, using your PS3 combined with the PSEye, you can have a virtual tank with both salt and freshwater fish. Its virtual, so mix and match all you want. Remember when they said dont tap on the glass? Well, feel free to with this tank. The action your PSEye captures will interact with the fish. You can even feed them by dabbing your hands in the top of the water.



Have you ever wanted an aquarium but didnt want the hassle of cleaning the tank? Well show off the awesome power of your HD display with Aquatopia. Now, using your PS3 combined with the PSEye, you can have a virtual tank with both salt and freshwater fish. Its virtual, so mix and match all you want. Remember when they said dont tap on the glass? Well, feel free to with this tank. The action your PSEye captures will interact with the fish. You can even feed them by dabbing your hands in the top of the water.

SCEE London Studio
Action > General
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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Aquatopia (PlayStation 3). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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