Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Featuring a story written by New York Times' bestselling military author, Jim DeFelice, writer of Leopards Kill and Threat Level Black, ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON puts players in the shoes of a top gun pilot in an international task force. The engaging war drama will span real-world locations, such as Dubai and Russia, and incorporate new categories of aircrafts, including super-sonic jets and the introduction of the attack helicopter, door gunner and more.


Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Featuring a story written by New York Times' bestselling military author, Jim DeFelice, writer of Leopards Kill and Threat Level Black, ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON puts players in the shoes of a top gun pilot in an international task force. The engaging war drama will span real-world locations, such as Dubai and Russia, and incorporate new categories of aircrafts, including super-sonic jets and the introduction of the attack helicopter, door gunner and more.

Namco Bandai Games
Project Aces
Simulation > Flight > Combat
Release Date (US)
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Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

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